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Today Leo goes to college and I can't help but feel a little overwhelmed, not only is my baby 18 but he's going off to the University Of Oregon.

"Leo have you got everything packed?" I ask for what must be the fiftieth time "Yes, mom, everything is packed, I'm ready, we're all good" replies Leo as he and Owen bring down some boxes and suitcases "My baby's all grown up" I say, hugging Leo for the millionth time today "don't start crying again please mom" begs Leo "I make no promises" I reply

"I'll come visit, I promise" says Leo, I smile "you'd better, young man" says Owen, putting his arm over my shoulder "I'm gonna miss you, Leo" says Cruz, hugging Leo "me too" agrees Faith, he smiles "I'll miss you guys more" says Leo

"Right kiddos, lets get in the car" says Owen, the kids get into the car whilst Owen and I load the last bit of luggage into the boot.

Once we get within 10 minutes of the university, the kids claim starvation as soon as we pass the McDonald's drive through so we stop off there and grab food, eating it in the university parking lot before Leo and I get out of the car to go to the front desk and get his key to his dorm.

"Hello there, welcome to The University of Oregon how can I help you today?" Asks the man behind the desk "Hey there, I'm here with my son, Leo Hunt, here to check into a dorm" I say hugging Leo close to my side, the man nods, typing a few things into his computer before turning behind him, grabbing a key and handing it to Leo "Room 214, second floor on your right. Welcome to Oregon" says the man, Leo smiles and offers his thanks before we return to the car to get his things.

After taking all his things up to his dorm we're all standing outside of his door "Do you guys mind staying longer, I want to say individual goodbyes" Asks Leo, I nod "of course, darling, of course" I reply, he smiles "Cruz, come on in with me" says Leo, Cruz nods and follows Leo into his dorm.

After Cruz it's Faith, then Owen, then after about 45 minutes of waiting for all three of them to be done I finally get called in. "I saved you until last because as much as the others mean the world to me, you're special" says Leo, a warmth spreads through me at his words, we sit on his bed and both take a deep breath.

"I just want to say thank you, mom, you came into my life when I was two, like dad, you didn't have to take me in as your own but you did, you made sure I felt safe and at home, you made sure I was treated the same as your biological kids, you made sure I had the same opportunities at school, you fought for me, you stood by my side, you made me feel loved and I appreciate that because in a world where I thought I wasn't meant to fit in, you made me feel like I did" says Leo, I don't realise I'm crying until he wipes the tear rolling down my cheek away "Oh, Leo" I say

"Leo, you are so special to me. When I first met your dad I didn't know he was a single parent until he started talking about you all the time, he was and is so proud of you. When I first met you, I loved you so much, you just held a special place in my heart and then I got the privilege of being your mom, you called me mom and I finally felt like a mom. You are so so amazing, Leo, I love you so so much, you are smart and kind and intuitive and I know, I can feel it, you're going to do great things Leo, you are going to be someone brilliant, you have my full faith" I say to him, now he's crying.

He just hugs me and I hug him back tight and for a moment or two we stay like that. I kiss his forehead "Goodbye, Leo, come visit whenever you want, anytime, our home will forever and always be your home, remember that" I say, he nods and walks with me to the door "Goodbye, Mom, see you soon" says Leo.Everyone hugs him one last time before we walk back to the car and head home.

When we get home, Faith and Cruz go upstairs to do whatever they want and Owen and I get time alone together.

"Our baby boy is a college student" I say to Owen as we snuggle on the couch, he smiles down at me and nods "we did a good job" replies Owen, I look up at him "yeah. I mean, I think it was all me, you were there for decoration" I joke, a smirk on my face, Owen tickles me and I break out into fits of laughter "oh yeah?" Asks Owen, smiling at my laughter, eventually he stops and I'm out of breath, then he catches me off guard by kissing me.

I kiss him back. He kisses along my jaw, my hands roaming his back and running through his hair, he then kisses down my neck and on my collar bone which makes me giggle. I bring his face back up to mine and kiss his lips again

"Mom, I'm hungry" says Cruz, causing us to break apart "Ew were you two kissing?" Asks Cruz, Owen picks him up like he's five again even if he's 10, almost 11 "We were indeed" says Owen, carrying Cruz on his shoulders into the kitchen "you want a PB&J sandwich buddy?" Asks Owen, Cruz nods and Owen makes him the sandwich.

As Cruz goes back upstairs, Owen wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me again "I love you" says Owen, I kiss him again "I love you too"


Hello my lovelies!

so i've written this bonus chapter in celebration of 1k reads and me being on wattpad for 2 years which is kinda crazy in my opinion bc it does not feel like i started my account 2 years ago like what?

anyways, i hope yall are ok, thank you for all your support i love you all so much!!

have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

stay safe
stay strong
stay wonderful
stay smiling
most importantly, stay rainbow my loves!

all my love, Blue xxx

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