Chapter ThirtySeven

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When we get home the next day it's time for the kids to go upstairs for bed. As soon as the kids are upstairs Owen sighs

"Why did you leave them on their own?" Asks Owen, I frown "it was for 15 minutes, Faith is perfectly capable of looking after a ten year old for 15 minutes" I retort, Owen scoffs and shakes his head "well obviously not" says Owen "she turned her back for a minute, that could've happened even while I was home" I state, Owen shakes his head

"I just can't believe you would leave our ten year old home alone with our daughter who's only 15, she doesn't need that sort of responsibility, she probably feels awful about this" says Owen, what the fuck is this for "oh and that's my fault?" I ask

"Who else's fault would it be?" Asks Owen "are you calling me a bad parent?" I ask, he shakes his head "don't twist my words" warns Owen, I scoff and frown "well what do you mean by that then? So you wouldn't be ok with this?" I ask "do I look like I'm ok with this?" Asks Owen "you left a ten year old at home with a 15 year old, they're both children!" Exclaims Owen "I don't know what has you so worked up, when I was 15 I was helping out with the other kids at the foster home" I state

"That's different! You didn't have a choice! Your parents were never there from the beginning they didn't give you responsibility you were in the foster care system there were adults there all the time" retorts Owen, hows that any different "I still had responsibilities, Owen, once we turned 15 the adults didn't care, they'd make us deal with the 10-11 year olds, sometimes even the 5-6 year olds, all they cared about were the babies so it's not really any different" I say, he shakes his head

"This is not the foster care system! These kids are loved and wanted and looked after by parents not the system this is a house with loved and wanted kids" says Owen "are you trying to tell me that I don't know how to love and care and want my kids? I may not have had parents but I know how to be a mom, Owen Hunt" I state

"I'm not saying you don't know how" begins Owen "then what are you saying? Because it sounds like that, it sounds like you don't think I can be a good mom because I'm a foster kid" I interrupt, Owen runs his hands through his hair in frustration "Leo's a foster kid" says Owen "that's different" I say

"How? How's that different?" Asks Owen "BECAUSE I WASNT WANTED" I shout "yeah ok, Owen, I get it I made a mistake I left the kids at home on their own, god forbid I ever leave the kids at home on their own, Cruz breaking his arm was all my fault put the blame on me, if that's how it's gonna be I'm not staying here" I add

"Where are you going to go? You live here" asks Owen, I shrug I grab a jumper "Elijah's I don care where I go so long as it's not here, I can't stand here and listen to you lecture me on how to be a good parent, not everyone's as perfect as you, Owen, I don't know when I'll be back just kiss the kids goodnight for me will you? I think that's the least you can do" I say as I open the door. I walk out of the house, slamming the door behind me

"Holland wait, you can't just leave, what about the kids?" Says Owen, I turn and fave him again "oh so you need my help with the kids now? You cannot stand there and shout at me because I made a mistake and then tell me you need me that isn't how this works, you're perfectly capable of looking after our kids, I'll be back tomorrow or something" I state and I start walking, I don't want to stay here any longer

Tears stream down my face as I walk. Keep waking, Holland. My phone rings. Owen. I ignore it. He rings five more times. One more call, it's Leo.

"Hello?" I ask as I answer it, hoping that this is actually Leo "good, you'll answer your kids phones" says Owen. I hang up. I'm not doing this. My phone rings again, it's Faith "if this isn't actually Faith I'm hanging up" I state before anyone can say anything "mom, please come home" says Faith

"What's up, sweetie?" I ask, maybe Owen cant look after them on his own "I had a bad dream and I want cuddles" replies Faith. This makes me cry a bit harder "I'll be home tomorrow, sweetie, tell dad, he'll give you cuddles" I state and I hang up, feeling terrible about everything I knock on Elijah's door

"Holland, what's wrong?" Asks Elijah as he opens the door "Owen and I had a fight and I needed to be somewhere else can i crash here?" I ask, he nods, moving to the side to let me in. I look at all the text messages


Please come back I'm sorry


Please Holland


The kids are asking for you


Come home


I love you


Mom come home


Mom I miss you already and it's only been 15 minutes come home

I shut my phone off and lay down on the sofa. Elijah asks what happened and so I tell him everything "sounds like you've had a rough night, get some sleep" says Elijah, I nod and lay on the couch.

I close my eyes trying to sleep. I'll go home tomorrow, I just need to be somewhere else tonight before I make all the wrong decisions. I don't want to ruin anything.


Hello there my lovelies!

What's this? A triple update? Mental.

Hope y'all enjoyed this and I hope y'all are well

Anyways, thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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