Chapter Eighteen

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Today Owen has the day off but he still gets up at the same time as me "babe, you can go back to sleep, you don't have work, sleep in I can take Leo and Allison to daycare" I say, kissing his jawline softly, he smiles

"I like to be an early bird and besides no need, mom's decided she wants more time with her grandchildren so she's taking them for the next two days" replies Owen, I smile, he kisses me and I sigh "god I wish I could just stay in bed with you all day" I say, kissing his neck, he hums "I wish you could as well, however, you have kids to save" replies Owen "ugh always the voice of reason" I groan jokingly, he chuckles "but I'm a sexy voice of reason" says Owen pouting

"That you are indeed" I reply, smiling as I get out of bed and get dressed. I put on some jeans and a t-shirt, knowing I will just have to change into scrubs at the hospital, I brush my teeth and Dutch braid my hair, thing the braids into a bun so it's out of my face and off of my neck as I have a few surgeries today.

"Ok, I have a few surgeries today but I should be back by 4 at the latest, I'll see you later, I love you" I say to Owen as I gather all my things, he wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me close to him, he kisses my lips "I'll be here when you get back. You look beautiful, I love you too" replies Owen, I smile as he lets me go and I leave for the hospital.

As I get in I head to the Paediatric Ward "ok, Jamie you ready for me to fix your arm?" I ask 7 year old Jamie Leaks as I enter her ward, she smiles and nods "what color cast are you gonna want, sweetie?" I ask, she thinks for a moment, frowning "blue" replies Jamie, I smile "blue is actually my favorite color as well!" I say and that brightens her smile "ok so I'm going to page dr Lincoln and he should be here in a moment and then we can fix that arm of you and get that cool blue cast, do you want it to be glittery?" I ask, she nods

I page Link and he comes into the ward five minutes later "hey there, Jamie" says Link with a smile, she offers him a wave and he smiles at her and then we get her into surgery.

Hours later I finally get off work. I check the time, 4:30. Shit. I told Owen I'd be home by four. I'm sure he's gonna be ok with me being a bit late, he's a doctor too, he understands. As I get in the car I get a call, I answer it "hey, Elijah" I say, not ready to call him dad yet

"Hey there, Holland" he replies, a smile spreads across my face as I hear his voice, I have a dad, it's crazy but I do. "How was your day?" I ask, he coughs and then sighs "boring, sold two bikes and that's about is, how was yours?" Replies Elijah, asking the same question in return. We do these calls almost everyday, asking each other about our days, making up for the past 30 years we lost.

"Absolutely exhausting, I had five surgeries back to back today but they were all successful so I guess that's an upside" I reply, Elijah huffs and chuckles slightly "Holland, I don't know how you do it but wow, I'm proud" he says, I smile "thank you, hey look I'm home now but I'll talk to you later" I say

"Sure thing, bye, doll" says Elijah, I smile "bye, Elijah" I reply. I hang up the phone and get out of the car and open the door to the house. I walk in and it's eerily quiet, there are candles and...bouquets of roses?

"Owen?" I call, I walk through the house, there's a trail of rose petals on the floor that lead to the bedroom, there's petals spelling "I ❤️ you" and then I look over to my right and there's Owen standing there

"What's this for?" I ask, smiling, he smiles and walks over, kneeling down on one knee. Is he? Hold the fuck up.

"Holland Marie Jenkins, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone ever. You are my world, the apple of my eye, the sunshine on a rainy day. You turn my frown upside down, you make me happy and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. These past 7 months have been the best of my life. You came into my life when I was at my lowest and you picked me back up, you make me happy. You are the love of my life and I love you" says Owen, I'm crying at this point, his words are beautiful

He pulls out a box and opens it. Inside is a silver ring, a diamond in the middle with two sapphires accompanying it on either side. I gasp "so what I'm trying to say here is, Holland Marie Jenkins, will you marry me?" Asks Owen, I nod "Oh my god yes, Owen, yes a million times yes" I say, crying tears of joy.

I places the ring on my finger and picks me up, twirling me round and plants a kiss on my lips "I love you so much" I say, cupping his face and kissing it "I love you too" replied Owen

"I made dinner" says Owen and I smile "oh god, this is the most perfect night of my life, thank you" I say as we sit at the table, beautiful plates filled with spaghetti. "I'm getting married, we're getting married" I say, fully processing what just happens, Owen chuckles and nods "yes we are" replies Owen. I smile "thank you for loving me, for being there for me and for sticking with me even when I was the most difficult bitch" I say, he places a hand over mine

"Forever and always, Holland. That's how long I'll love you, forever and always" says Owen and I get up, sit myself on his lap and kiss him "I love you" I say "I love you too" replied Owen.

I'm getting married. I'm getting fucking married and to a guy that's nice, that loves me and that I love.


Hello there my lovelies!

Eeeeekk there's gonna be a wedding!
This chapter made me smile so I hope it did the same for you guys.

Thank you guys so much for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens:))

Stay strong
Stay safe
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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