Chapter ThirtyThree

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It's been 6 months since the shooting and Owen is better than ever and I couldn't be anymore thankful, considering I'm due in like a month.

Today we're having a gender reveal party and I think the person who is most excited is Faith, she really wants a sister but I think Leo would like a bother. Unfortunately it's one or the other, one of them is going to be disappointed by the end of today. Although I'm sure Faith won't mind if the baby is a boy, she's been obsessed with my baby bump ever since she found out.

Today we have Elijah, Evelyn, Megan, Nathan, Farouk, Meredith, Zola, Bailey, Ellis, Amelia and Link over, Amelia and Link asked Link's parents to look after their kid.

"So everyone, this is the gender reveal party to see what we're having this time around, Megan and Nathan are going to have paint on their hands and their handprints will be on these white shirts we're wearing, the colour is obviously the gender of the baby. However, Owen and I have decided to switch things up to confuse you all, if the paint is pink, do not be fooled it is not a girl, it's a boy and if the paint is blue it's a boy. We wanted to change it round to you know, break gender stereotypes" I announce, everyone nods in understanding

"Right, Nathan, Megan, go paint your hands" I state, they do as they're told and they go and paint their hands. They come back out moments later, I presume with their hands covered in paint. Megan's hands come from behind me and rest on my baby bump, I look down. Pink. "It's a boy!" Owen and I exclaim in unison.

Everyone cheers, Leo is ecstatic and Faith looks a bit disappointed but she cheers nonetheless. "Now we can all have a bit of food and drink, a catch up and just have some fun" states Owen and everyone dispersed and emerges into chatter and laughter. "Mommy! I wanted a sister!" Exclaims Faith, I chuckle, ruffling her curls "I know Faith, baby, but I can't pick which one, besides it's good that you have a brother because you have Allison as a sister don't you? So it's only fair that Leo gets a brother" I reply, Leo smiles widely, still excited from the news. I chuckle and tousle his hair.

"Another grandchild for me to spoil" comments Elijah, engulfing me into a hug, I laugh dryly "you're going to make me look like the bad cop if you carry on spoiling them. You got them both bikes for their birthday this year, I got Faith art supplies and I got Leo superhero figures, my presents look like shit compared to yours" I joke, he laughs and offers me a knowing smirk "well what can I say? I should be crowned best grandpa in the world" says Elijah, I roll my eyes "careful your head might not be able to fit through the door" I joke

Elijah walks off and immerses into conversation with Evelyn and I look around seeing everyone smiling and laughing, I look outside and see my kids playing with other kids and it warms my heart. Life has gotten better, life is good. I'm enjoying life.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Asks Owen, kissing my cheek as he stands next to me, watching the kids play "just thinking about how amazing my life is because of you" I reply, he smiles and kisses me. I gasp "what?" Asks Owen worriedly and I look at him "my, um, my waters just broke" I reply. Seriously my babies can never come on time

"Oh um" stutters Owen. Yep same. "Everyone who's ok to stay here for the night to look after the kids?" Asks Owen, Meredith nods "I can, why?" Asks Meredith "my waters just broke" I reply, everyone gawks at me. Yes yes I know I'm not due for another month but like what would be great now is a ride to the hospital

"I'll drive" states Elijah, he and Owen help me to the car, Owen and I get in the back, Owen holding my hand. Well actually I'm squeezing his hand for dear life but...same thing.

We get to the hospital and I'm again out in a waiting room, like I was five years ago. "So can you just not have kids on time?" Jokes Owen, I glare at him, not the time for jokes, Owen "darling, Owen, love of my life, I've got a life sized child coming out of me, I would much appreciate it if you did not make jokes about my child birth, dear" I state through gritted teeth. I catch Elijah stifling laughs in my peripheral

"Yes, sorry baby" apologises Owen, who is now a dark shade of scarlet. I kiss his forehead and he cools down a bit. An hour and a half later I'm in the delivery room, breaking Owens hand as I take my pain out on him. Poor bloke. But to be honest he did this to me.

An hour or so later we have a happy, healthy baby boy. "We never discussed names" I state, realising that's the one thing we forgot. We turned the guest room into a nursery, we got a buggy and everything. What we didn't do was discuss a name.

"How about Cruz?" Asks Owen, Cruz. I like that, like Cruz Beckham. Yeah ok. I nod my head "that's a nice name" I reply "Cruz Elijah Hunt" says Owen. I smile at him and kiss him.

"Where's my grandson?" Asks Elijah as he steps into the ward where I am, cradling Cruz in my arms "here he is. Dad, meet Cruz. Cruz Elijah Hunt" I state. Elijah starts to cry, he hugs me and Owen and then takes Cruz out of my arms and kisses his forehead. "Thank you" he says to us both. We nod. Owen hugging my close to him. My life is complete.


Hello there my lovelies!

We have a new addition to the Hunt family, everyone meet Cruz (pronounced Cruise for anyone that's confused). I hope y'all are well.

Anyways thank you for all your love and support I love you all!

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens you :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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