Chapter TwentyFive

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So the day has come. My wedding day. I haven't seen Owen in almost 24 hours, it's tradition but truth be told I've grown so attached to him these 24 hours have been hard but it just makes me more excited for today.

There's a knock at the door, I open it and there stands my two favourite girls "Hey, Mer, Hey Meg" I say, they smile and hug me "hey, Hols" they reply. A smile spreads across my face and sticks there.

Meredith pours a flute of champagne for each of us "let's start celebrating now" says Meredith as she hands Megan and I a flute of champagne each. I chuckle and we clink glasses "cheers!" We cheer and giggle. "Ok so, Mer you do my hair, I'll do Megan's and Megan you do Meredith's" I say, they nod and Meredith makes a start on my hair.

Meredith curls my hair and pins the curls up into a bun, she then puts a clip in my hair, the clip is meant to look like a peacock feather but silver and decorated with diamanté diamonds. I then move onto Megan's hair who also starts on Meredith's hair. Both of their hairstyles are the same

They have a half up and half down style and waterfall curls with flowers in their hair as well for decorative purposes.

"So now that hair is done, I can make breakfast" I announce, they all cheer. I turn the stove on and make us French toast with blueberry pancakes "god that smells like heaven" comments Megan and I giggle as I fish up breakfast.

Owen decided to stay in a hotel room, I insisted but as always he won and he stayed in the hotel whilst I stayed in the house and the kids are with Evelyn because she insisted.  We sit at the table and tuck into our breakfast

"Oh my god, Hols, these pancakes are amazing!" Exclaims Megan, I smile, I always had a knack for baking. "Thank you" I reply. God my cheeks hurt but I can't stop smiling. Someone wants me. I'm getting married. Me. A married woman. It seems mad but I'm living the dream.

"So, now that we're fed I think we can start on makeup" states Megan, we nod in agreement "I'll do Mer's, Megan does mine and Mer does Megan's" I order and they nod in agreement. Megan starts on my makeup and so on.

"Ok time for dresses!" Exclaim Meredith and Megan in excitement I squeal with them. They take their dresses out of the suit bags and we admire them. Finally it's time for us to get into our dresses. I've been dreaming of this day for ages I just never thought it would become a reality but it has.

I walk out to the living room where Meredith and Megan are "could one of you zip me up?"  I ask, they all gawk at me "what?" I ask, genuinely confused "you look...drop dead freaking gorgeous" says Meredith, I go a dark shade of crimson as Megan zips me up "you guys look amazing!" I exclaim, they smile gratefully and suddenly my phone rings

"Hey Dad" I say, my smile growing wider knowing my dad will be at my wedding "Hey, Hols, you dressed and ready yet?" Asks Elijah, I nod and then realize that he can't see me "yeah" I reply "good, now come out side with Meredith and Megan" orders Elijah, I frown but nod anyways "sure thing, be right out" I reply. He hangs up and I turn to Meredith and Megan "Elijah says to come outside so let's go girls" I say excitedly.

They follow me and I'm taken aback at what stands outside my house. I look over at Meredith and Megan who are wearing the same expression as me. In front of my house is and I shit you not a horse and carriage. A black carriage with Snow White horses.

"Jesus shit" I state, Meredith and Megan nod in agreement. I cautiously edge towards the carriage "get in here, this is the ride for the bride" says Elijah as he pops his head out of the window of the carriage, I feel the excitement bubble inside me. I get in the carriage sitting next to Elijah whilst Meredith and Megan sit opposite us.

"How's my daughter feeling?" Asks Elijah, I offer him the widest grin I can manage and he chuckles "you really love this guy?" Says Elijah, I nod, thinking about Owen "I do, I really do" I reply. The carriage pulls up to the altar and Megan and Meredith are the first to step out of the carriage but Elijah holds me back for a moment.

"Holland, I know we haven't known each other long but you're my baby, this is your wedding day and for the year or so that I've known you I've grown so proud of you. Before you came into my life I'd been wandering about you, trying to figure out where you were and obviously Samantha wouldn't tell me, so I moved to Seattle because I needed to move on and then you came into my life and it got so much better. You make my smile wider, you give me a reason to get up in the morning and Holland, I never want to miss another moment of your life. On this day I am proud to walk you down the aisle. Proud to see you make a life long commitment. Proud to see you be happy" says Elijah, he wipes a tear from my cheek. Thank god for waterproof mascara.

"Dad" I begin but he silences me and I frown in confusion "here's a wedding gift from me, although this one is just for you" says Elijah handing me a box. I take the box and open it up. I gasp and look over at him "I- thank you" I say, engulfing him in a hug.

I pull out a necklace. It's a silver chain with a sapphire hanging down from it "I thought it could be your something new and your something blue" states Elijah, I chuckle and he clips it around my neck.

I smile as we step out the carriage. We link arms and I look up at him "you ready?" Asks Elijah, smiling at me, I inhale sharply and nod "yeah, I am" I reply. We head into the altar together. This is it. I'm getting married, to the love of my life. Now. Today. I'm getting married.


Hello there my lovelies!

I love Elijah! Also I don't know if I'm updating again today so you're going to have to wait for the wedding chapter tomorrow. I hope y'all are ok tho :))

thank you for all your love and support I love you all

Have a beautiful day you wonderful specimens :))

Stay safe
Stay strong
Stay wonderful
Stay smiling

All my love, Blue xxx

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