Chapter 13 - Training

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POV: Xelqua

Location: Watcher Academy

I furrowed my brows in concentration, my eyes shut tight. I focused on the glitched block of obsidian in front of me on the desk.

"Concentrate," Galenthyl's voice came from my side.

He must be walking around the room, I figured, breaking concentration a bit.

I found myself again and focused.

I heard a small woosh as the obsidian was corrected and opened my eyes to see it fixed. I smiled, proud that I fixed it. Before, it had been glitched to be as unbreakable as bedrock and look like it was in the fourth dimension. I knew it wasn't that bad of a glitch but any progress was good.

I looked up at Galenthyl with a purplish tint surrounding my vision. My practice mask rested on my face, the same one I had when I arrived but with new things added through magic. This mask was only for practice and I wouldn't get my real mask until the end of my six years of training.

Galenthyl nodded at me in approval while he took the obsidian and made another glitch for me to fix: a strange wormhole that wanted to suck the things surrounding it in.

I easily fixed it and returned the area around it to its original state.

It was the middle of the second-to-last week of my 4th year and I was learning how to use my mask quickly. Other students struggled a bit but Verix and I, along with a few other students, were doing well.

The class finally ended and I removed the mask from my face, handing it to Instructor Cereilaz. An odd buzzing that I hadn't noticed before vanished from my head, and my mind was suddenly left clear.

That was odd, I thought before deciding to ignore it and heading out the door to go to my next class.

Verix walked alongside me, as quiet as ever.

We entered our next class, which we also had together, and sat down.

Instructor Zerothke announced we would be practicing dueling in the courtyard again but reminded us to control our magic. I knew that he was looking at me through the mask and intended that part for me.

We got time to change into dueling clothes and headed to the courtyard.

Verix crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, looking bored and tired. I leaned against the wall beside him but just left my arms hanging as I watched the duels.

The duels went by oddly fast and soon, it was mine and Verix's turn. Verix's magic had developed into purple and he could also use silver magic but not all the time. However, he still chose to use mostly red magic for some reason.

I sent a blast of silver magic at Verix, which he dodged by jumping away.

"Make sure to use weapons too," the Instructor reminded.

I summoned my diamond sword while Verix summoned his.

Energy crackled around my blade as I pointed its tip at Verix and channeled my magic through it.

A silver blast came from its end and Verix raised his sword, quickly creating a silver shield to absorb the blast.

We were pretty evenly matched.

"Don't allow your friendship to prevent your learning," Zerothke called, narrowing his eyes as we just kept fighting slowly.

Verix's grip on his sword tightened as he heard the comment, his glare focusing on me.

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