Chapter 33 - On the Right Side

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(T/W for blood and mention of dead person(I think y'all already know who )(btw I almost forgot to put this warning so sorry bout that XP)

POV: Grian

Location: The skies above the Admin HQ

Out of pure instinct, I tucked in my wings and shot through the sky. I reached out my hands, golden light surrounding them. Xisuma and EX stopped fighting as they realized they were encircled by golden energy and looked around to see me flying toward them. When I was about to reach them, I spread my large wings and completed the u-shape. Clenching my fists like I was grabbing something, I pulled the twins along with me and flew straight back up to the Admin HQ. In order to keep the Prime distant personality, I tossed them both onto the roof with little shown care. That was close, I thought, my chest heaving from the anxiety of seeing them fall.

EX growled as he was released and jumped to his feet only to see Admins advancing him. I realized with pride that the Admins were managing to hold their own against the insane number of Watchers surrounding them. Not far in the sky stood a portal that defeated Watchers regularly flew into. I figured that the Admins couldn't see it but of course, I had a very interesting past.

I landed on the roof near Xisuma and offered him a hand. He took it and I pulled him up, the both of us turning to look at EX. He just glared at us, his left wing still bleeding from when Xisuma cut it.

All of a sudden, he let out a silver blast of magic, forcing all Admins around away from him. Watchers surrounded him and began attacking the limited number of Admins.

A familiar Watcher charged at me and I narrowly dodged his attack. My sword came to my hand as I realized who I was staring at. The Watcher standing in front of me was none other than Instructor Zerothke. Why he was there attacking and not at the Academy, I had no idea.

He swung his sword at me, pulling me out of my thoughts. He was brave to challenge the Prime Admin and I commended him for it. Nevertheless, I couldn't have him beating me. I blocked his attack and made my own strike. Zerothke blocked it and struck me faster than I could react. His obsidian blade cut into my left shoulder, making me gasp in pain.

I swung at him, managing to rip through his dark combat robes and cut him on the chest. He gripped the wound for a moment, his hand turning red from the blood. His expression was hidden by his mask but I was certain he was infuriated.

Raising his sword and channeling his magic through it, he sent a silver blast at me. I raised my sword, reinforcing it with golden energy, and deflected his magic.

He gritted his teeth and spread his pale purple wings, taking to the skies. I spread my large white wings and swiftly followed him, ignoring the pain stinging in my arm.

He swung his sword, a silver line of magic following its movement. Narrowly dodging it, I launched the same attack, but with golden magic. He tried to avoid it but I managed to give him another shallow wound on his chest.

While I was distracted, he sent a blast of magic at me. I tried to evade it but it managed to graze my side, ripping through my black hoodie and burning the skin underneath. I gritted my teeth against the pain but the adrenaline running through my veins kept me going.

I swiftly raised my hand, wincing as pain struck through my arm once more, and allowed a golden line of magic to follow my movement. It struck him in the arm, blood spewing from the wound.

However, it only seemed to make my former Instructor angrier. He pointed his sword at me, channeling his magic through it, and sent a continuous blast of silver magic at me. Remembering the times I had done this in practice, I smirked and raised my own sword. Just as it had in the past, my golden magic easily took over Zerothke's silver magic. The magic exploded and Zerothke was pushed back from the blast.

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