Chapter 3 - Departure

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POV: Third Person but following Grian mostly

Location: Admin HQ Portal

The blonde looked up as a knock sounded on his door. It opened to reveal Myriel, her honey brown waves flowing softly down her back and over her shoulders.

Grian stood from his bed, his gaze focused on the Second Prime.

"Hey," he said in greeting.

"Hey. You ready to go?" she asked, coming inside and partially closing the door behind her.

Grian nodded. "Yeah. Just... Give me a sec," he said, his gaze wandering around his room, away from Myriel.

The admin nodded. "Okay."

Softly closing the door, Myreil left Grian to say goodbye.

He sighed, unsure of how he was supposed to leave the place he had called home for the past 2 years. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, his throat feeling as if something were lodged in it.

Dropping his hand, he hung his head and walked over to the window, which overlooked all of the MainHQ. MainHQ was where you go if you want to switch servers or meet up with friends from other servers. The admin quarters were hidden from player sight but they were still there. AdminHQ was nearby but was also hidden.

A small smile grew on his face as he looked over all of the players joining together and laughing.

The smile grew as he thought of him being one of those players, meeting other players on Evo and laughing with them.

He grinned, excitement taking the place of his worry.

He realized that he would return after the end of Evo and this was just an adventure to go on.

With the smile evident on his face, he walked over to the mirror and checked his appearance. His normal red sweater wrapped around his torso and arms. He glanced at his gray jeans and then remembered what Evo was about. You would head back through the updates and you'd have to wear the outfit that you had during that time period if you had been there.

He smiled as he remembered the outfit he wore at that point in time. Grian knew he didn't have to put it on ahead of time as the portal he took to get there would change his clothes for him.

Taking a breath, he decided it was time.

He headed over to the door, glancing back at his room that he wouldn't see for a while. With a smile, he exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Looking around at the Prime Quarters, he headed to the door.

Glancing back again at the living room, he smiled and closed the door with him on the outside.

Walking through the empty hallways of the Admin HQ, he finally made it to the portal that would grant him passage to Evo. The other two Primes stood at its side.

Grian nodded in greeting and stood facing the unactivated portal.

"Ready?" Myriel asked.

Grian nodded, still looking at the portal.

Heroth moved to stand on the opposite side of Grian so that the two Primes were on both sides of the departing Prime.

"Grian Charles Xelqua," Heroth began, using his full name. "Be careful on your adventure," he said with a sad smile.

Grian met the First Prime's eyes, a sad smile forming on his own face. "Thank you," he replied.

Myriel let out a sigh. "Don't hurt yourself, Grian," she said, worry brimming her eyes.

Grian looked at the Second Prime and nodded with the same sad smile. "I'll try not to," he replied.

He allowed his wings and aura to show, calmly folding his wings as he looked up at the portal.

The portal glowed and activated, a golden glow appearing inside the frame.

The other Primes spread their own wings, granting him passage through the portal.

Grian took a breath, working up the nerve to go through the portal.

"Goodbye Myriel, Heroth," he said, glancing at the Primes as he said their names.

Myriel looked as if she were about to cry. "Goodbye," she said, choking a bit.

"Farewell, Grian Charles Xelqua," Heroth said.

Grian took in a breath and stepped into the golden portal, turning around to look at the other Primes. The world in front of him looked golden as he waited for the portal to do its magic.

He felt his clothes changing, devolving to the ones he wore during the old versions of Minecraft.

"Goodbye," he whispered, his gaze set on Myriel and the world surrounding her.

Then, the portal wooshed him away to Evo.

He stepped out of the portal and looked around, a feeling of nostalgia filling him as he saw the old Minecraft. The portal behind him disappeared and other people began to appear around the spawn circle.

Grian examined the spawn circle, taking note of the old texture of the cobblestone ring and the sandstone inside of the circle.

However, the symbol in the center caught his attention.

It was a rectangle of cobblestone but two of the corners, the top left and the bottom right from his perspective, were just dots.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out why the symbol looked familiar. He felt as if it was a symbol of something bad but he couldn't remember what it was.

Only 2 years of being a Prime didn't help in this case, he thought with a grimace before realizing the other Evolutionists were looking at him.

He put on a fake smile and said, "Hey everyone!"

The others greeted him as well as each other. However, some of them noticed and remembered his grimace as he noticed the symbol.

No one knew what they would be getting into.

(905 words or so)

(A/N this took a while longer because I got distracted by writing another story that I haven't published as of yet. It's about Xisuma and is placed during the Civil War time of HermitCraft 6. I had a lot of fun writing the chapters so far :3 I will publish it when I finish the cover for it :D)

(Since Grian is finally at Evo, I'm finally able to get to the story I want to do. So far, it's just been setup. I think you guys will like my story idea :3)

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