Chapter 30 - Jealousy

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(T/W for blood and death(>:3))

POV: Grian

Location: Hermitville

I smiled as I waved at Mumbo. Taurtis was resting inside Iskall's house and I was bored. I headed inside Mumbo's house and looked around.

Mumbo walked over to the couch and sat down. "Why are you here?" he asked, a friendly smile on his face.

"I was bored," I answered.

His smile faded slightly. "You could've gone to EX," he reminded.

I shrugged. "I figured I'd let him catch up with his brother," I answered, unaware of how wrong I was for doing that.

His smile faded completely and he raised an eyebrow. "So you haven't said hi to him at all?" he asked.

I glanced off to the side, feeling a bit guilty as he mentioned it. "No," I said, feeling a bit ashamed.

Mumbo sighed and stood before walking over to me. "You are going to go find him and apologize to him before spending time with him," he said.

I sighed and looked up at him. "Okay," I said.

He smiled slightly. "Go have fun with your friend," he said quietly.

I smiled back and nodded. "I will." I turned to leave but quickly turned back and gave him a surprise hug. The smile on my face grew as he stumbled back in surprise as I stepped away. I waved, saying, "Bye, Mumbo!" He chuckled and waved as I left.

I equipped my elytra and flew around town in search of EX. I checked Xisuma's house first but only found Xisuma himself inside with no sign of his brother. I asked him where EX was but he said he didn't know. I thanked him nonetheless and left to keep searching for him.

After a little while of searching with no luck, I landed and pulled up my communicator.

Grian: has anyone seen EX?

I waited a few moments and sure enough, some replies popped up.

Renthedog: no

ZombieCleo: I haven't

Tango: I thought I saw someone wearing red armor near the Shopping District earlier, maybe he's still there

Zedaph: can you message him?

Grian: no, he never got a communicator or a phone

ImpulseSV: well that's a problem

Grian: thanks for the info Tango

Tango: no problem

I put my communicator down and headed to the Nether portal before going inside. I began the long journey to the main island and arrived not long after.

I stepped out of the Shopping District portal and began to look around. I jumped out of the way just before a blast of red magic scorched the ground where I was standing. I spun around to see EX floating high in the sky, his expression unreadable.

I took to the skies, determined not to let anyone else get hurt.

EX continued to send blasts at me but I weaved skillfully out of the way. Thankfully, he wasn't using magic that would destroy any buildings, just hurt players.

My communicator buzzed. I dashed behind a shop and managed to gain a few seconds to check it.

Tango: hey Grian, did you find him?

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