Chapter 25 - Nightmares

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POV: Xisuma

Location: Villager Grian's house(even tho he's prob ded)

I watched in horror as my friends collapsed to the floor. I took a step back and looked around. I grimaced as I realized I could hear a voice talking to them. However, it was only because of the fact that I was an admin, and Grian was the Prime Admin so what he experienced reflected onto the other admins.

"Grian!" I exclaimed before running to his side.

His eyes flew open, containing more horror and fear than I'd ever seen before in my life. His gaze fixed on me.

"Lock... The.. Server..." he gasped before collapsing all the way to the floor, his eyes falling shut. I looked around at the other two Watchers and saw them in similar situations.

Eyes wide, I stood and dashed down the stairs and out of Grian's house. Mumbo and Iskall ran outside when they saw me.

"Take care of them!" I yelled at them, gesturing toward Grian's house. Even though they were bewildered and frightened, they ran inside to find them.

I spread my elytra and rocketed off into the nether portal. I managed to get through without feeling sick and sped off through the tunnels to my base. Finally, I reached my nether portal and went through. I grimaced as I realized how long that had taken. Once on the other side, I ran down a disused-looking hallway and entered the control room. The command blocks covering the wall in front of me flickered as they kept the server running.

I dashed up to the desk where my computer sat and got to work. Typing quickly, I entered the code that would prevent any more Watchers from joining the server without my permission. Once I was sure it would be enough, I pressed the save button.

I stood and stepped back to watch to see if the command blocks would accept the code. A small ding came from my computer, confirming that the edited code was accepted and that the command blocks were now working on it.

I let out a sigh of relief but made sure to check with my admin magic if it was fine. A light purple glow surrounded my eyes and my hand as I reached out toward the command blocks. Streams of purple light came from my fingertips and reached out to touch the flickering lights. I exhaled in relief as I sensed that the server was locked to the Watchers. I lowered my hand, the purple glow fading.

I turned and exited the control room. When I entered the nether hub, I managed to run directly into an unsuspecting Joe Hills on his way to the Shopping District. I quickly apologized and swiftly headed to the Hermitville portal. He ran after me, calling, "Xisuma! What's wrong?" I paused and told him I had to get to Hermitville. However, as I flew off, I could hear him following me as he knew something was up. I didn't try to stop him because I knew there would be no point.

I stopped in front of the Hermitville portal and went through, watching Joe come in right after me.

The purple particles fading, I stepped out of the portal and flew to Grian's house. I noticed that the sky was getting lighter and realized none of us had actually slept. I found myself hoping the Phantoms wouldn't come out for us if we kept this up. I landed and ran inside the house with Joe on my tail.

I ran upstairs to see Iskall putting a blanket on an unconscious Stress and Mumbo putting Grian into the bed beside EX. Joe came up behind me and drew attention to himself by exclaiming, "What happened here?!"

Mumbo looked over and let out a sigh. Iskall didn't even respond as he looked down at Stress with worry in his human eye.

I walked over to EX and stood in front of him so Joe wouldn't see his face. Thankfully, he had been facing away from Joe when he arrived so he only saw his white and black hair.

[Confirmed hiatus, I guess??] The Fall Into Darkness - HermitCraft fanficWhere stories live. Discover now