Chapter 38 - Brothers

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(T/W for pain and emotional depression and stuff(yey). and also some slightly crazy Biffa because he's weird in my universe.)

(Have some Xisuma + other male characters brotherly relationships! *chucks this chapter at your face* Also I just realized the title has a double meaning so have fun figuring that out)(This was written after that following comment btw vvvvvv)

(*Casually continuing to write this after having a slight mental breakdown about lEaVInG mY rOoM tO hELp uNlOAd tHe DiSHwAsHeR*)

POV: Xisuma

Location: The Shopping District

I let out a sigh as I placed the final rockets from the shop into my Shulker box. I realized I needed to refill my rocket stock and just decided to do it. I picked up the Shulker box, making sure that I paid the right amount of diamonds, before tucking the box into my inventory. I walked out of the shop, a frown on my hidden face.

I pulled out some rockets and managed to shoot off into the sky. Once I was nearing the clouds, I leveled myself off and lazily flew above the Shopping District.

Since I was an Admin, I could see everywhere Evander had hit with magic. Because of that, I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.

I circled back down to the ground and went into the Nether portal. Once through, I decided to go and check on Joe. He had been moved to his base so it wasn't as far of a fly than if he was in Hermitville.

I hesitated outside his portal before ultimately stepping through. I began to search a bit before finding him lying in his bed, looking horrible. The purple in his veins had been spreading and was now past his elbows, as well as completely covering his hands. However, he was awake. I sat down beside him and waited until his attention turned to focus on me.

"Hey," I greeted quietly.

Joe swallowed like it was hard to and replied, "Hey Xisuma."

"How're you feeling?" I asked.

He glanced away. "I can't lie. I feel horrible," he replied.

Worry in my eyes, I placed a hand comfortingly on his shoulder. "We'll figure out what's going on, don't worry. We'll fix it," I said, hoping to reassure him.

However, he just swallowed again and nodded.

I patted his shoulder. "Get some rest when you feel like it," I said.

"I'll try, but... I..." He paused, uncertain if he should say anything. He let out a breath. "I haven't told anyone, not even Cleo," he said, surprising me because Cleo had been the one to come over to watch Joe while he was under the weather.

"What is it?" I asked hesitantly.

He took a slow breath and sat up, showing me how purple his arms were. "They've been hurting for the past day or so... I've been able to bear it, but..." he trailed off, hugging himself.

The worry in my eyes increased and I just decided to do the first thing on my mind. I reached out and pulled him into a hug. "Remember, Joe, we're a family. You can tell us everything, or nothing. But we can't help you if you don't tell us. Remember that," I said, resting my chin on his head as he snuggled into my chest.

"Th-Thanks, Xisuma," he softly replied.

I held him beside me and soon realized that his breathing had steadied and become deeper. Joe had fallen asleep. I gently laid him back down, hoping I wouldn't wake him again. Thankfully, I was able to leave before I accidentally woke him.

[Confirmed hiatus, I guess??] The Fall Into Darkness - HermitCraft fanficWhere stories live. Discover now