Chapter 14 - Almost Free

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(T/W (trigger warning) for some gore and blood but not too much)

POV: Xelqua

Location: Watcher Academy

The new nurse frowned as she fixed my fresh wounds. I had managed to get badly injured during a training session. Verix wasn't in my class this year so he was in his own class, unaware that I had gotten hurt.

I grimaced in pain as she wrapped a bandage around a bleeding cut on my left shoulder.

Nurse Leriella had left after 4th year to go to a server that needed a new Watcher. This new nurse had taken her place. I didn't know her name but she didn't seem friendly enough for me to want to ask for it.

She finished fixing up the rest of my wounds and allowed me to return to class.

I got up and put my Initiate cloak back on before heading for the door, pulling up my hood as I had been doing for a while now. I didn't glance back as I returned to class.

I sighed as I thought of my 5th year so far. It was about halfway through the entire year and I had already gone to the infirmary 7 times.

I quietly entered my classroom and sat down. I realized I was a bit late but the Instructor knew why so I didn't get a punishment.

I did the work required for class silently. Everyone knew who I was thanks to the golden magic incident during 3rd year but that didn't mean I was popular.

I felt gazes settle on me every so often but I didn't allow them to know that I noticed it.

I made it through the class and headed to my next one, which was the last one of the day.

I passed Verix in the halls and greeted him with a small smile. He waved back, a small smile forming on his face as he saw me. He headed to his own class while I went to mine.

I sat down inside the classroom and waited for class to start.

The Instructor came in and began. Today's class involved a lot of experimenting with magic and potions. Sometimes, I suspected we were the test subjects for the Watchers' experiments. However, I never mentioned my suspicions to anyone.

I winced as my potion erupted slightly and a small blob of purple goo landed on my hand, leaving a small burn mark.

I sighed and raised my other hand, swirling my fingers a bit as I moved the blob back into its flask and healing my hand.

The burn mark remained a bit but it didn't hurt anymore as I continued with the experiment.

A yell sounded across the room as someone's flask exploded, releasing purple smoke into the room.

I coughed and stood, waving some of the smoke away with my hand.

I heard a small voom and watched in horror as a purple fire sparked up within the smoke.

The Instructor yelled for the students to get out of the classroom and ran forward, hands glowing purple as he tried to put out the fire.

The other students ran out of the classroom, eyes wide in terror.

I counted the students as they left, realizing in horror that someone was missing.

I turned back to the fire and raised my hands with the palms facing it, my eyebrows furrowing in concentration.

The Instructor's magic wasn't enough and we both knew it.

My hands glowed gold and a thin line of gold magic streamed from the outer corners of my eyes as I forced the fire to calm down.

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