Chapter 48 - Into the Aether

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(*Chuckles awkwardly whilst glancing at a calendar* I totally didn't lose motivation to work on this for months on end, what are you talking about?)

(Yeah, I'm back! This chapter was hard to get started, but once I got the ball rolling, it was smooth sailing! And fun! I had a few bumps where I got distracted by reading past chapters, but we got here in the end! Chapter 49 will (hopefully) finish the final battle, and Chapter 50 will wrap things up! Though, there might be an Epilogue too, not sure yet lol. We'll see how it goes =w=)

(I'm starting to publish things on Ao3 too! Currently, I only have a foster care fic up, but eventually there'll be more. I won't be posting this book on there though, this is WattPad exclusive :D)

(My Ao3 username is Cloudheart, so you can search that up and find me c:)

(Also I forgot to edit it and I'm too lazy to do it now so yeah lol)

(Uhhh idk what else to say, besides...)

(CW: Fighting, burns (of sorts), violence, blood, and I think that's it, lemme know if there's more-)

POV: Third Person (Though it switches a lot during the chapter)

Location: The Listener HQ

They weren't entirely prepared for what lied on the other side of the portal. Dark veins of corruption snaked through the dirt and grass of the floating islands of the Aether. The yellow leaves of the trees looked to be fading and dying. Everything looked to be fading and dying. Most frightening of all, the normally pale blue sky was a faded black color, taunting the attack team and reminding them of what they must do.

Resting on a large floating island, the Listener Headquarters loomed above them, its rooms and halls seemingly empty. But the attack team knew better than to assume things when at risk.

Turning to Iskall, Myriel signalled that it was time for the plan to be carried out. The Listener nodded and took the lead, heading off along sturdy bridges that connected the various islands. The attack team wasted no time in following him.

Except for the quiet clunking of armor, everything was quiet. So quiet it began to unnerve many of them. What was hiding behind those tall walls? Was anyone waiting to attack them?

They reached the front gate, Iskall and Sam opening it with their magic. Then, everyone hurried in, each remembering their missions as they split off into groups.

The Admins and Watchers were put together, equally in each group. Their mission was to find as many consumed Listeners as possible, and safely free them. If it wasn't possible to free them, they were to knock them out until they could be freed. In one of the groups, Hypixel and Galenthyl were put together. Briefly, some of the Readers wondered if they were going to have authority problems.

The Readers had a similar job, though they had Scar and Cub with them, since they're practically kids. It may be their HQ, but Myriel figured it was a bad idea to leave them alone.

Iskall followed the group of Players, taking the lead since he knew the place better than them. Tommy opened his mouth to object, but Phil quickly shushed him. They did not need him alerting the Listeners of their presence. That is, if they weren't already aware.

Stress's job was to be a nurse, waiting by the front gate with George for any wounded.

Finally, EX, Xisuma, Mumbo, and Sam went with Techno and the Prime Admins to find the Supreme Listener. They prayed they wouldn't have to kill them to free them.



Boots softly clunking on the sandstone floor, I followed after Sam, my obsidian sword drawn. Sam promised to lead us down the shortest pathway to the main area, where the Supreme Listener was most likely to be, but the rest of us were on edge, since we weren't sure if Sam was leading us into a trap.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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