savior (Namjoon)

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She was lost and afraid

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She was lost and afraid. Running in the middle a dark and empty road. "You can run, but you can't hide from me! I OWN you, bitch!!"

Y/n kept running, throwing one shoe to slow down the attacker. As the shoe slapped him across the nose, she took this as a sign to run to the nearest entrance of a building.

Slamming the door shut and running to the nearest apartment, she was surprised to find it open. As she heard his footsteps grow near, she didn't hesitate but to push through and shut the door.

"Y/n!" she looked, dropping to her feet as she seen Namjoon. "Thank you universe!" he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"You have?" "Yes." They share a moment of silence, just appreciating the warm embrace. Soon, there banging on his door. "Hide me." she whispered. Namjoon instantly knew what was going on and came up with a plan.

"Who the fuck?!" Namjoon opened his door, agitated. "Who are you? And what the hell you want?" "Have you seen Y/n around?" "I suggest you get up outta here." "Or what?"

Namjoon lifts his shirt, revealing that he's armed. ".... Must have the wrong apartment..." the man then walks, well, jogs away and out of the apartment complex.

As the door closed, she comes from beneath that comfortor on his bed. "Thank you." she cried, causing him to wrap his arms around her. "Let's go get you cleaned up.".

After a bath, she was able to use one of Namjoon's shirts as something to sleep in. "I can't believe anybody would out their hands on a woman." he sucks his teeth as he rubbed ointment onto her lip.

"I can't thank you enough." he looks into her eyes, pressing his forehead against hers. "Joon?"

He softly pressed his lips onto the corner of hers that wasn't bruised. "I'm not askinh for an answer now. Not when you're like this. But I want to be there for you, I want to cater to you, I want to hold you." he ranted.

"Whenever you're ready, no matter what the answer is, just let me know." she nodded, wincing as he dabbed the alcohol swab under her eye.

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