revenge note

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( this story based on the drama with the same name. I got inspired by the drama and wrote this.  Hope you like It.)

This is Y/n.


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Y/n clenched her jaw as she watch the three most annoying girls bully her best friend. "Hey!" She pushed the head broad of the bunch out of the way. "You're too old to be picking on somebody. Too damn old. Get the fuck out of here."

"How dare you?? Do you know who I am? Do you know who we are ?!" Y/n looked the brown girl up and down. All of her friends were pretty gorgeous but their attitude made them look equivalent to Trump and trash.

"Ryan, I don't care about you, your two bodyguards, or the fact that yo boyfriend sleeping with the both of them." Ryan's rage was growing even more after she heard this information.

"Oops...Well I guess I do know who you are. The naive bitch with two hoes for minions. Come on, Naiomi." She rushed to grab her things and followed Y/n out of the door. Ryan turns back to the girls she called her 'friends' looking at her in disbelief.

Ryan ran to chase Y/n, throwing a text book at the back of her head. Naiomi ran to Y/n as Michelle and Keisha, her two closest friends, go after Ryan.


"Shit!" She cursed as she woke up in the nurses office. She nearly cursed again as she felt a ruler smack against her hand. "Sorry, Mrs. Jackson." Mrs. Jackson hated profanities being used in her presence.

"Girl you know to watch yo mouth around me." "Sorry ma'am. What happened?" "Well you got a book thrown at the back of your head." "I have a feeling that I know who threw it." She sucked her teeth, holding her head.

"That textbook really did a number on you. I did a scan and thankfully it didn't hurt your brain. But you will have to take it easy for a while." She hands her two pills and some water.

Y/n takes the medication and drinks the entire cup of water. "Who brought me here?   I know it couldn't have been the girls." Mrs. Jackson only smiles and walks away from her bed. "I did."

"To be frank, I never left you when I brought you here

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"To be frank, I never left you when I brought you here." "I'm fine, Jungkook." "You couldve been worse." He sat down next to the bed, looking at her sternly. " Well, I'm not. Thank you for that." She manages to change the subject. "What about the person who got me into this position?"

"Sadly since Ryan is made from dollars, she will never get punished. Harshly, anyway." "She's practically a billionaire. It's not likely that she will suffer for anything. I don't even know why I asked." She throws punches in the air. "Ouch." She mumbled as she felt a pain.

"That's what you get for lashing out." He snickers. "Leave me alone." "I can't. You're always getting into shit." She sticks her middle finger out at him, only for him to grab her hand. "Get some rest okay? Text me when you wake up. I'll walk you to your dorm."

She nods and he smiles, getting up and walking away from her bed, his touch lingering. "What am I going to do with him?" She muttered to herself. "Ryan... you always had a bone to pick with me. I'm not gonna sit here and take it anymore."

Her phone vibrates and she takes it out of her fanny pack. It reads:


'Revenge note. What is this? Some kind of prank?' She thought in her head. Y/n downloads the app. As she tapped it, it also says:


"Should I even do this? This has to be some kind of joke." She whispered to herself. "Fuck it." She eventually types in the name. 'Ryan Destiny' and pressed 'ok'.


She laughs a bit before putting her phone away. "This can't be real." Y/n eventually laid down and closed her eyes for her nap.


"Y/n wake up!" She felt her body being shaken and instantly grabbed their arms in annoyance. "What is it?" It was Keisha.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Now get up, hurry!"

Y/n did exactly as she was told and ran after her. They stopped in the middle of the hallway and Keisha pointed to the two individuals. It was Ryan and Keith, her punk of a boyfriend. "Is it true? Did you sleep with them?" "You damn right I did. And I don't regret a moment of it."

Y/n eyes went wide as she watched as the crowd formed around them. "How can you be so proud of yourself? Thats the most disgusting thing you can do to someone." "You would know. You bully everyone around you. You think I want to date someone who bullies? That doesn't look good for my image."

"What a clown." Keisha stated as she shook her head.

"Move out my way. You're not worth shit for me." Keith spit by her shoe and bumped into her as he walked away. Soon enough, her dad walks up to Ryan. "Why do I hear that you threw a book at another student?! There's even a video." He shows the camera footage on his phone.

"Daddy, I--" "That's the most ... you know what? You're cut off. Don't expect a penny from me at any time at all." "But daddy!" She watched as he raised his hand and walked away.

Those in the crowd laughed at her, chanting harsh things at her as she ran the opposite of her father. "Holy shit!" Y/n muttered. She then felt her phone vibrate. Moving away from the people, she pulled out her phone and it read, with photos attached :


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