savior (Taehyung)

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Part two

Taehyung sat emotionless as he was dressed by the maids. "Have you seen Miss Y/n?" "Not since last night, sir." one answered. Pulling on his suit jacket, he shook his head as the maid reached for his head. "I don't feel like being touched up, Sicily. Thank you." they bowed and he followed them.

As they lead him to his parents, he vowed to the helpful maids before walking to his throne next to his mother. "Boy? Is that how you greet your parents??" The prince looks to his father, showing no signs of happiness, then to his mother with a small smile. "hello family." he uttered.

"I ought -" "Leave him alone." his mother defended. "What did you summon me for?" His mother's eyes widened at his straightforward attitude. "Taehyung Kim, you will not disrespect us this way." "If you aren't going to explain, I'm leaving." Taehyung is stopped by the guards, who were warning him that it's not a good idea.

"We meet the princess, remember?" "Oh, how joyful." he sarcastically remarks, laying his head onto his hand. His father was seething while his mother looked at them with worry.


"Miss, he was looking for you today." Sicily sat next to the sad girl. "He doesn't need to see me right now. I'll just be a burden on him when he meets the Princess." Sicily shakes her head pulling her into a hug.

"Let me get back to work." Y/n grabbed her bucket and cloth before heading to the castle. As she closed the door of her cottage, she headed toward the castle slowly. Opening the door, she walked through and bowed to the guards. "Good morning."

They smiled at her, letting her through and closing the door behind her. "Y/n!" she makes her way towards the king. "Sir?" He notices her dejected tone immediately. "Are you alright? I didn't see you this morning." he said,  concerned. She nods. "Do you want drinks?" she wanted to get out of their hair quickly. Taehyung noticed her behavior, furrowing his brows.

"... Yes." the mother stated, catching onto her sorrow as well. "Let me come with you. There's this drink that I want to teach you to make for me." "Of course, my queen." she smiles a bit, following the queen.

In the kitchen, the queen shuts the door. "It's Taehyung, isn't it?" Y/n felt her hands begin to shake as she brought out the wine into the counter. "What are you talking about?" "I'm not blind, you know. I see the way he looks at you. And I noticed the way you care about him." she smiles warmly.

Y/n soon breaks. "It can't happen. As much as I care about him... As much as I love him... I would rather him marry someone else than to be exiled by you guys. I'd rather get hurt... I'd rather die than to let him make the biggest mistake that could cause a rift between family."

The royal wraps her arms around Y/n, rubbing her back as she began to cry into her arms.

" I'm messing up your clothing, please let me go." " Do you really think I care about my gown right now? " they pulled away, and the queen grabs her hand, pulling her along. "Y/n, what is the matter?" The king stood up immediately, noticing her bloodshot eyes.

"Y/n." Taehyung did not hesitate, grabbing onto her shoulders. "You have to let me go." Y/n smiles a bit. "No way, not now and not ever." he said, pulling her into his chest. "You have to..." she sniffles. "You and I.... You know that it can't..." she mutters, Taehyung shaking his head, eyes growing watery.

His parents watch, his father in awe. "Look at me." she held his face, trying to look at his beautiful eyes. "Tae, look at me." he finally looks up. "There will never be a day where I stop caring about you. This is your duty. You have to commit to this." Taehyung began to cry out, she wiped his tears and never let go of his face. "You know how I know that you can?" She points to his heart. "It's in here." then his head. "and in there. I known you long enough to know your potential."

Pressing her lips onto his cheek, they let each other go. "Don't go looking sad on me." she jokes, trying to hide her sadness. "Y/n... I..." Taehyung looked toward his father as he spoke. "We can't break tradition, son." "The only way for him to be serious.... Is me..." Y/n starts.

"... I'm leaving town." The royal Court, maids, and even the guards gasped at the sudden news. Taehyung felt his heart break. "Darling, you don't have to-" the queen stated. "I know. But I want him to go through with this. It's what's best for the kingdom." Taehyung felt betrayed, standing in front of the one who stole his heart. "Why...? You don't need to do this?" "It's what best for you." "You're what's best for me!" he exclaimed. "Please... "

She pressed her lips onto his for one last time. He wished that it would last forever, but just as quick as he felt her lips, he didn't feel them anymore. "I will always love you, Taehyung Kim. I will never stop loving you, even in death. This isn't goodbye." she promised. "I'll come back."

He was a filled with sorrow, defeat, anger, any negative emotion that can describe it. Just as she turned towards the door, she felt a hand on her shoulder. It was his father. "Y/n... Don't leave." he begged, feeling as sad as his son.

"It's for the best, your highness."

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