savior (Jimin)

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Being in your head is the worst place to be in

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Being in your head is the worst place to be in. You're stuck in a never-ending loop of sadness and anxiety over scenarios that happened or haven't even happened, over something small that happened and fearing the possibility of a major punishment.

Even knowing that you did no wrong but feeling upset just because. There were moments that she felt sick, nor being able to breath or function. Even crying because of the hold it had on her heart.

That's how Y/n is feeling right now. Because of this, she hasn't been able to open up to anyone in her life. Not even her family. Being a college freshman wasn't terrible but it wasn't very easy either. She just wanted peace. She knew there would be moments of despair but she wants to at least be able to be able to fight it so it doesn't consume her.

Here Y/n was, working to distract herself from her feelings. As she rung up the last order for her customer, she noticed how he would focus on her face. "Is there something wrong?" she questioned, bagging his items. "Are you okay?" she was surprised by the question. It's not that she's hasn't been asked, but she was hesitant to lying.

"... Yeah. Just a hard day is all. But that's normal when working." the man soon nodded, paying her. "keep the change." "Oh. Thank you sir. Have a good night." She gave a little smile and placed the money in the register.

As she heard the bell from the door, she assumed that the man had left and began to clean up her area. "Miss Y/n...." She rolled her eyes, turning to her boss. "What was that?" "Me doing my job. What was wrong with that?" she responded, wiping the counter and collecting the tip money from her previous customers.

"Why are you smiling at him?" she stops, turning around. "You're disgusting, you know? I'm over here at peace minding my own and you're over here mad because I am smiling at someone??" "You are giving him the wrong idea." "You're married so worry about your wife and kids."

Throwing the washcloth at him, she went to the back and changed out of her work clothes. "Look." she thankfully had her shirt on and grabbed her purse. "You're making me uncomfortable." she informed him, walking away from her manager. Just as the manager was about to grab her-

"Is there a problem?" it was the man from before. "No." she lied, yanking her arm free. "Was there something wrong with your items?" "Yes... Um one of the drinks were opened." "I'm so so sorry. Let me get another..." She looks at the opened lid. "Banana milk?" he nodded and she ran to the back.

She hurriedly ran to the back fridge and grabbed the last banana milk of that particular stock. "Here..." handing him his beverage. "Thanks love." she smiled and nodded. The man then left again. Turning around, she gets a slap.

"What did I tell you about smiling to other people?" Y/n felt liquid on her lips. He made her bleed. "You know what? FUCK YOU! Fuck this job because I'll get another one."

She left with what was left of her dignity. This wasn't the first time her manager has hurt her. He harassed her on numerous occasions and she couldn't tell anyone about it. As she wiped her tears, someone had been watching the entire scenario.

Manager scoffs. "What a slut. She'll be back on her knees begging for her job." The bell jingles on the door, causing him to look up. "I'm sorry but we're closed.. Come back tomorrow." "Perfect." the man mumbled, walking out slowly.


It was the next day and she was on her laptop, looking for new sources of employment. "I don't even know what..." She stopped herself, holding her head in agony. "What if he tarnished my name and stops me from ever getting a job?" she didn't know what to do.

"This just in.. A massacre has happened in a [name that I can't think of.... Sorry]."

"What?!" she turns up the radio. "The body of Josiah Michael has been found. Sources say that he has a history of harassing those who works for him. Police are investigating his cause of death. Back to you Janelle."

"What the hell.... What if people think I have something to do with that?" "You realmy have a bad habit of doing that." she jumps, turning around. "It's you!"

"My name is Jimin. Yes, I'm the guy that you helped. Jungkook says thank you for the banana milk, by the way." "Jungkook? What is going on??"

"Let me make it easy for you." Jimin closes the door of her room. "I'm the person who did that. Don't ask how, but I can assure you that I'm no harm to you." Y/n just sat there in shock. "He didn't die in a horrifying way. Just a simple heart attack." "There's no fucking way-"

"More news on Josiah Michael. Police suspect that he has died if a heart attack. How do you feel about this, Janelle?" "Though I'm not one to condone any source of death wishes or anything of the sort, I will say that all that he has done may have done something to his heart." "I agree. Back to you Janelle."

Y/n looks at him in fear. "Are you some sort of psychic?" "No." Jimin then pulls out a book. "Death Note." she read. "Like the-" "Yes." "Why did you do that?" she asked, standing in front of him. "To save you. You've been harassed by this man constantly and I've witnessed it."

"How did you know it wasn't a one time thing?" "I see it in your eyes. You can tell that this hasn't happened just once."

They sat in silence together, Jimin finally pulling her down onto her bed. "I want to help you." "Is the a catch?" she asked, nervous about his offer. "Just stay by my side."

Y/n looked into his eyes. "By your side?" "By my side. Nobody would never dare to touch you." "I don't want to solely depend on a man." Jimim chuckled. "It's not like that at all." "That's what it feels like." she spoke truthfully.

"You're my friend. At least that's what I consider this." Y/n sighed. "Okay, friend, let's do this." she grabs his hand and shakes it.

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