jealousy(Taehyung and Diamond White ft Wooyoung)

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Part 2

It's been months since the broke up with Diamond and Taehyung and it hasn't always been easy. Having to decline their calls and ignore 32 text messages was very difficult. But, it needed to be done.

There were times Y/n really missed having them around. But she couldn't be distracted with that now, she has a date soon. Zipping up her blue dress, she began to finish up her hair. Just as Y/n did her edges, there's a knock on the door.

Quickly fixing her hair, she somehow managed to walk fast considering that she's  in heels. "Hey." she said, trying to hide the fact that she was rushing. "Wow." "Stop it, Wooyoung." Y/n blushed, taking his hand. "You look so gorgeous." He spins her around to get a full view. "I don't want to keep you waiting, let's go." he said, lifting me bridal style.

"What are you doing?" "It's wet out here. I don't want you falling." Wooyoung walked to his car, not noticing the blush on her face.


"You should've told me that you liked this place." Y/n nodded furiously, walking to a game. "There's nothing wrong with an arcade. I just wish I wasn't overdressed." "I wouldn't say you're overdressed." Wooyoung wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Oh, stop." her smile was visible. "Let's go get something to eat." He suggests, leading me to a table. As they ordered, Y/n was very curious about something. "Have you ever been in a poly relationship?" "Honestly? No." "Why not?" "I'm very possessive of what's mine. And I don't like the thought of sharing." she nods, understanding his point of view.

"I've been in one." Wooyoung instantly looked in her eyes. "But, it felt like I was the one on the sidelines while everybody else was playing the field." Wooyoung couldn't help but cup her face in his hands.

Meanwhile, Taehyung and Diamond were walking around. "She hasn't responded to anything?" Diamond questions. "No, not at all. What about you?" Diamond shakes her head, turning to the arcade. She instantly recognized that ponytail in a blue dress.

It was Y/n, sharing a cheese pizza with an unknown male. "I think I found her." Taehyung follows her eyes, his jaw clenching. "Come on." he says, pulling her along.

"Can't let a pretty girl like you be sad." she grins, shaking her head. "I'm fine I promise." "That's what they all say." "Who's this?" they both look up to find Diamond and Taehyung. "What are you guys doing here?" she wipes her fingers, embarrassed that they showed up like this.

"We need to talk." "What we need to talk about?" "Come here, now." Taehyung scowled and Y/n had not choice but to listen. "Wooyoung, I'll only be a minute or two." Wooyoung gave a fake smile, hiding his irritation.

As they walked out, she snatched her arm from Diamond. "What? Why are you here?" "Why are you with another guy?" "We aren't dating anymore. So I can do what I want." Taehyung steps toward her, causing her to back away. She hits the rail, not looking into his eyes. His fingers turned her face towards him.

"You're coming with us. I refuse to let you get hurt by someone who's not who you think he is." "You don't know him." "He's the son of a mafia boss and has trapped girls like you just for sport." Diamond interrupts, the news leaving her in shock. "why?" she starts, moving his hand away. "Why now? Why do you choose now to fuck with me? I was doing fine."

"Baby." Diamond wipes her tears. "We missed you. We tried contacting you." "I know that. But all you care about is what's going on between you two. I'm always the friend who's the third wheel. And,you were supposed to be my boyfriend and girlfriend." Y/n looked them both in the eyes.

"I hate the way you treated me. And it's going to take a lot before I ever trust you to not hurt me like this." "Y/n!" Wooyoung called, Y/n walks up to him. "Did I ever tell you that I absolutely HATE liars?" she enunciated. "It's the first date and you already lied to me." she chuckles and finally slapping him on the face. "You're a disgusting human being." she then pushed Wooyoung on the floor.

"Diamond.... Let's go." Y/n took off her heels, walking away pissed off and tired. She didn't even take two steps and Taehyung lifted her off of her feet. "Now, what are you doing?" "We are doing anything we can for you to love us again." "Who said I stopped loving you?"

They looked Y/n in the eyes. "I'll always love you. It's just going to take a while." Taehyung pressed his lips against her temple. "why don't we start now?"

As they all goofed off, Wooyoung smirks. "No one has ever slapped me like that." Getting up and wiping his lip, he shakes his head. "Women..."

"But..." He bites his lip. "Damn..."

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