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She's been stuck in my head like a tiktok sound.

I've always been attracted to girls, but I've never not been able to ignore feelings.

Gigi is different and I don't know how to feel about that.

I start classes that Monday and me and Jan become close as we're both majoring in the same thing.

Finally, the day of my first meeting with the Artistic Fashion club rolls around.
I have one class that morning from 9 to 10 but the meeting doesn't start until 5 in the evening which means I have plenty of time to freak out.
I mean get ready.
Yes get ready.

Me and Jan decide to get lunch together. I hadn't told her about my crush on Gigi but as we were eating she noticed my nerves.

"Hey Crys, you've barely touched your food and you seem on edge, are you nervous about that meeting you have later?" She asked

"Yeah I guess, just new people." I say

"Don't worry, I know it's hard to meet new people but you'll be ok! And if they're all assholes then you always have me!" She laughs

I laugh along with her as to not make things awkward. I cant tell her why I'm really nervous, I'm not nervous about meeting new people I'm nervous about seeing Gigi.
I barely know her and I can't stop thinking about her.
She might not even be into girls.
I haven't even fully accepted that I'm into girls.

I spend about two hours getting ready, applying makeup carefully yet quickly and then trying on every outfit I own.
I decided on a pink sequined dress with lots of jewelry and yellow platform shoes.
I like how I look, and you know, if you're confident with yourself it shines through.
I hope that works today.

I arrive at the area at 4:50 p.m, I like being early because, to be honest, I hate the feeling of everyone looking if I'm late.
The area is a small, unused theater.
I don't know what show they could put on there but it definitely couldn't be anything big as it could seat twenty people at most.
The door is open when I arrive so I decide to just walk in, I sit on the stage, waiting.

Only a few minutes after I go in, the door creaks open and Gigi walks in.
She seems shocked to see me but also, happy.

"Hey Crystal! I didn't expect you to be here so early!" She says, smiling her perfect smile that I've been thinking about for so many days now.

I smile back, feeling a bit more confident.
"hey Gigi! I always arrive early, just in case" I say, winking at her and then laughing.
She laughs with me even though nothing funny happened.
It feels good, it feels... right.
We catch each other's eyes, neither one laughing but both still smiling. Neither one breaking eye contact until the creak of the old wooden door. We both jump and I blush, Gigi just laughs.
"Hey Nicky, hey Brooke"
Nicky smiled.
"Hey gigi! Oh and Crystal, I'm so glad you could come, this is Brooke!"
Brooke smiles at me
"Hey Crystal it's nice to meet you"
Other girls and guys start coming into the meeting, if say about 15 people.
Not too little but not too many.

We settle down to decide what we're going to do for the year.

The whole time I can't help but look at Gigi, looking away when she looks back.

I wish I could read her like I can read others

But I can't for some reason.

One things for sure is that I'm falling fast.

Ok, so I know I said I was gonna wait till tomorrow to write this but


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