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I do nothing all that day.

Absolutely nothing....

...except wonder what Gigi has in store for tonight, obviously, I mean Nicky made it all seem so suspicious so I couldn't just... NOT think about it.

I started applying my makeup as I still thought about it... maybe it was going to be a romantic dinner? or maybe a trip somewhere?

No. No it couldn't be them since apperantly she'd been preparing all morning.

Maybe Gigi was actually a Serial killer and herself and Nicky lured me in, made me think Gigi was perfect for me, to then eventually lead me somewhere to kill me, and that's what Gigi had being preparing all morning! Hell, maybe her name wasn't even Gigi!

No. That didn't seem very likely either, I'm definitely overthinking this.

I put on a cute royal blue skirt and a baby blue cropped tank top with about 800 pearl necklaces before sitting back down to fix my extremely frizzy red curls.

I hated my hair. When I was little it used to grow it little red ringlets which grew straight up. People used to fuss over me and say I was the cutest baby with my ginger curls.
As I got older it started to grow downwards and long, like Merida from the Disney movie "brave", which just so happens to be my favourite Disney movie for this reason. Throughout this I felt so confident in myself and I loved my hair like this.
Sadly it started loosing its curl when I went through a "trying to fit in phase" and straightened it everyday and even had it dyed blonde for a period of my life. Having Bright red curls definitely made you stand out from the crowd and I just wanted to fit in.
Eventually I learned to embrace my natural hair, I cut it just above shoulder length and let the blonde grow out, even though it still had massive amounts of heat damage it was as close as it could've been to how it was when I was younger. Sadly, I still didn't love it though, I think that'll take time.

I added a few pearl clips to my hair just as I heard a knock on my door, I checked my phones clock and realized how long I'd actually spent getting ready. I opened the door and sure enough it was Gigi. She looked beautiful in her fashion forward outfit, her mid-length silver and black hair shining in the terrible dorm lighting. Of course she looked good in this lighting, only Gigi Goode could look good in any lighting.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked

"Yes I am! Where are we going?" I replied

"It's a surprise." She winked as she pulled a white scarf out of her pocket. "Do you trust me?"

It took me a second to realize what she was going to use this white scarf for. A blindfold.
I took a sharp breath in and then nodded, holding my breath.

"Don't worry, Crys. I have you." She said as she tied the blindfold around my eyes.

This murder theory was becoming more and more likely.


I hope.

She held my shoulders as she guided me out of the dorm room, down the hall, into the elevator and outside.

I tried to be aware of the direction we were going so I could make a guess at what we were heading towards, but Gigi seemed to be able to read my mind as she took sharp turns every 5 seconds.

Eventually she turned me to face her.

"Take off your blindfold and turn around in 3.....2......1......"

I turned around and gasped.

"Oh my god! Gigi, this is beautiful!"

I just want to remind everyone how important black lives matter is at the moment, if you can't attend protests make sure you're donating, signing petitions, and educating yourself.

It's really important.

- J

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