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Weeks flew by in a blur and suddenly it was the week of halloween.
Halloween was a big deal here, since it was an arts school there was fancy decorations and costumes and stunts and events and music, it was great! I'd never had such an amazing buildup.
I've always loved Halloween, it allowed me to really express my individuality and my unique style, it also gave me a chance to show off my makeup skills which I usually kept to the minimum.

It was the first day of the build up when it happened, I had a meeting with the fashionistas (cool name I know, we're the MOST original) and I was just gathering my stuff to leave when when Gigi came over to me.
Usually me and Gigi talked but only as acquaintances, never more. It annoyed me but I tended to get nervous. It wasn't like we never talked it was just, neither of us really tended to go out of our way to talk to the other so the fact that she came up to me after the meeting when she could've left was new to me.

"Hey Crystal" she said. She sounded nervous, this was new.
"Hey Gigi!" I said in my usual cheery voice, yet it sounded more cheery for some reason today.
"How are you finding the meetings so far"

Oh that makes sense, Gigi was asking about the meetings. I hate to admit it but I was hoping she might have something else to ask.
I shook off my disappointment.

"I'm loving them! They're great and really help me unload stress" I answer, truthfully.

"That's great! So you'll be staying?" She asked, again sounding nervous.

"Of course!" I giggle "how could I not!"

She smiles at me, all traces of nerves vanishing as she went back to her confident self.

I had finished gathering my things and I assumed it was the end of the conversation so I started walking towards the door.

"See you around!" I say as I leave.

I'm not far from the building when I hear the sound of footsteps hurrying after me.

I turn around to see Gigi, her cheeks flushed pink as she'd obviously ran to catch me.

"Everything ok?" I ask, genuinely concerned

"Um..." she started, her confidence wavering as she struggled to find words. "You have a great artistic eye, you want to help decorate the theater for the Halloween show on Friday?" She asks.

"Sure! I'd love to" I smile, I know she's only asking me because of the art. As much as I wish it could be more, I know it never could be.

"Great! Can I get your number? To arrange times." She asks me.

My hands shake as I write my number on a scrap of paper and hand it to her, again, knowing how out of my league this girl is yet hoping with all my heart that she feels the same, yet knowing she doesn't.

She winks at me as she turns to walk away and I blush a bright pink. I'm glad it's getting dark so she doesn't see.

I run back to my dorm, Jan is out so I blare One Direction and sing my heart out I'm so into the music that I almost forget about my feelings, my hurt and my hope.
my music is interrupted by a notification.

"Hey Crystal, it's Gigi xx"

Ok so maybe the feelings will be harder to forget than I think

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