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"Oh my god Gigi, is that a PILLOW FORT" I squeal like an excited child.

"Yes. Yes it is." She replies, smiling at me.

We're standing on top of a little hill, looking down at the tent like structure made of blankets. It's filled with mountains of pillows and blankets, lit up by only fairy lights. It's a magical sight.
We're not far from campus but Gigi sound such a place where people staying around the main areas can't see it, which means we had it all to ourselves.

"Well what are we waiting for Gigi, let's go!" I say, grabbing her hand and running down the hill. The cool breeze mixed with my flushed face makes me feel excited and I laugh as I run, Gigi laughing with me. We scramble into the fort and I see that there's food left out along with a projector.

"I thought we'd have our own little private outdoor movie night, to make the most out of the weather before winter really hits." She says. "What's you're favorite Disney movie?"

"Brave!" I say with excitement.

"Brave it is!" She says. Fiddling around with her phone and her projector, eventually getting it set up in just the right place.

She pulls over the food as she comes over to sit beside me.  I notice she got cinnamon rolls, along with other stuff obviously but I can't help but feel particularly excited about the cinnamon rolls.

"They're my favourites!" I say, pointing at them and smiling up and Gigi who's trying to move cushions to get into a comfortable position. She smiles back at me.

"I know they are, you told me before, these are the ones from Jinkx's too!" She giggles, blushing slightly. I feel touched that she remembered my favourite food.

We nibble at the treats as the movie starts. We're close but not touching. Me being the awkward lesbian I am obviously has no idea how or when to make a move except to move slightly closer to her, so I'm relieved when she puts her arm around me and pulls me in so that my head is resting on her chest.

She plays with my hair as the movie goes on, I feel perfectly content and happy in this situation. I don't realize that I let out a sigh.

I can feel her move slightly and I look up to see her looking at me, smiling, so I smile back.

"Crystal?" She asks. "What's your middle name?"

I shift my body around a bit to look up at her, refusing to sit up fully since I don't want to move from this perfect position.

"I don't have one, my mom thought Crystal Methyd was enough of a mouthful in itself." I say, laughing slightly.

"Well then I'll just have to give you one, won't I" she giggles, still playing with my curls.

I laugh along with her, my eyes fixed back on the movie, which is just finishing.

The credits start rolling and I sit up slightly. Gigi takes this opportunity to grab my hands, I look up at her. She's blushing.

"Listen Crystal, I know we've only known each other a few months but..." she starts.

I look at her, encouraging her with a slight nod. "...yes?"

"Crystal Elizabeth Methyd, will you be my girlfriend, like officially?" She says quickly.

I cant help but smile obnoxiously big, giving her a huge hug as if she'd just proposed to me.

"Of course I will Gigi! Of course!" I say.

"Oh thank god, I was scared I'd read this wrong." She says as she kisses me passionately, extremely passionately.

"By the way" I say between kisses. "I love the middle name."

I feel her smile and giggle slightly against my lips but she doesn't say anything, she just pulls me closer to her, as if she never wants to let go of me. I do the same. Since I never ever want to let go of her.

Thank god for Gigi's top energy.
But again like I said at the end of my last chapter, BLM IS SUPER IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW PLEASE USE YOUR VOICES!!!

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