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It was about a week after I'd arrived that it all happened. Lux was out with Tiff and Daegen and Daya were out doing god knows what, so I'd decided to call Gigi.

It started off great, we talked about how excited we were to see each other and just caught up. It had only been a week since I saw her yet it felt like forever. I was genuinely enjoying the conversation and was smiling to myself as I lay on my bed playing with my hair.

After a while we got into a disagreement, that's where it all turned to worst. I can't remember why or how it happened but it was bad. We argued for a while, shouting down our phones, both of us confused on how it happened but full of rage, taking everything out on each other in hurtful words, both of us filled with pain as we wanted to stop but couldn't. I knew that most of the reason I was angry was because it let everything build up over the past few months as a way of saving Gigi's feelings and not accidentally triggering her. It was something I always worried about, triggering people. I tended not to open up in case something I said caused a bad memory to resurface in someone else. I eventually slammed my phone down onto the table beside me in anger, cracking the screen doing so. I curled up as tears ran down my face, I didn't know wether these were tears of anger or tears sadness but I didn't care, at least not right now.

Part of me wished someone was home with be but part of me also wished that they'd never come home, so I could just wallow in sadness by myself for as long as I needed. I let myself cry until my head hurt, the tears now coming in sobs as I realized I shouldn't have taken everything out on Gigi, she didn't do anything. I wanted to call her back but something inside of me wouldn't let me apologize first. I just lay there for what felt like hours until my phone began to ring beside me.

I sat up quickly, hoping it was Gigi. My face fell when I looked at my phone to see it was Brooke. I was confused as Brooke wasn't the type to call, which meant something was probably wrong. I think the only reason I answered was because of this. If it had been someone who would've called just for a chat, like Daya, I would've probably ignored it right now but since I knew that something was probably wrong I decided to pick up. Even in my worst moments I'll still go out of my way to help someone else and I honestly don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.

I picked up the phone.

"Hey Brooke" I say, cautiously waiting for her answer to see how I'd be approaching this call.

"H-hey Crys" she replied, her voice shaking. She was crying.

"Are you crying? What's wrong?" I asked, wondering what had happened as I'd never seen Brooke anything but happy.

"Vanessa broke up with me" she sobbed.

"What? Why?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"She m-met someone new, someone in that sh-show she does." Brooke answered, still crying her eyes out.

I furrowed my brows in thought, I'd never imagined them breaking up, especially not for this reason.

"What's their name." I asked.

"Her name is Kameron, Kameron Michaels."

Am I still CEO of references? I better be.

some of the stuff crystal is feeling is based of stuff I feel so please don't be mean cause I might cry, not that any of you have ever been mean but I wanna make sure :,)

Also are Vanjie and Kam dating? I genuinely have no idea anymore... so many ships so many couples 😔


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