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I silently close the door of my dorm, it's dark and Jan doesn't seem to be back yet.
I lean my head back and slide down the door until I'm sitting on the floor, my head resting against the wood.
I smile with my eyes closed as I remember what just happened.

I kissed Gigi Goode, and she kissed me back.

I laugh into the darkness as I stand up spin, I feel an ungodly level of happiness in this moment.

I hug my arms around my body, closing my eyes again and tucking my chin into my chest as I smile, the feeling of pure joy inhabiting every inch of my being.

I flop on my bed, still smiling, when Jan walks in. She's also smiling a big smile.

"How's my favorite roommateeeee?" I giggle as I run over and give her a hug.

"Hey Crys, whats got you in a good, doll?" She asks as she sits down on her bed.

"I kissed Gigi!! And she didn't hate it!!"  I smile

Jan squeals and stamps her feet lightly on the floor while clapping quietly.

"I'm so happy for you Crys!! Are you two going to go on another date?"

"I don't know! Should I text her?"

"Yes right now! Do it! Yes!"

I smile at Jan as I pick up my phone to Text Gigi.

"Hey! I really enjoyed tonight, we should do it again sometime :)"

Barely a second had passed when my phone buzzed with a reply from Gigi.

"I'd love to! Are you free tomorrow?"

"I am :)"

"Pick you up at 7, it's a surprise where we're going" 

"It's a date"

I keep Jan informed as this is happening,

"A surprise? Crystal she 100% had this planned already if she already knows where she's taking you." Jan says in a factual voice

I smile at my phone

"I hope so"

I look up at Jan again, turning off my phone and placing it on the bed beside me.

"So, you seemed happy walking in too, what's got you in this good of a mood" I ask

Jan blushes. Weird, I didn't know she could blush.

"Ummm Jackson asked me if we could be official." She says, smiling.

"Oh my god! Jan that's great! I'm so happy for you." I say, climbing off my bed to hug her. "We need to celebrate our achievements! What do you say we get drunk and listen to Lady Gaga"

Jan jumps up off her bed immediately.

"You don't have to ask me twice." She says as she grabs wine, flicking her long blonde hair back.

She fills up the glasses as I put Chromatica on.

We sing along to the songs as we get more and more wine drunk, we may not know all the words but it's ok.

"My name... ISNT ALICE! But I keep lookin' I keep lookin' for wonderland" Jan sings

I look at her in confusion.

"Jan, this is Replay"  I laugh, knowing Jan is too drunk to care.

She looks me dead in the eye as she continues to sing.

"Oh ma ma ma, oh ma ma ma, I'm tired of screaming"

I roll my eyes at her, but decide to join in.

"Oh ma ma ma, oh ma ma ma, at the top of my lungs"  we sing together as a completely different song plays in the background.

There's a knock at the wall from the other dorm.

"Shut the fuck up" a voice says

We just laugh and turn the volume louder, celebrating the small but impactful things we both achieved.

Y'all heard chromatica yet?! I've been playing it nonstop since it came out!!!

- J

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