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"Goode morning camperrrrsssss"

The cheerful voice wakes me. I was having a weird dream in which I was both a yellow and a blue bird, so I wasn't too mad about being rudely awoken, though I still didn't want to get up.

"Good morning miss Goode" I mumble, burrowing myself back into my duvet.

You may be wondering why I wasn't freaked out by the fact Gigi somehow got into our dorm and woke me up. Well see it's because she's Gigi and she does anything she wants. Also because I gave her a spare key for emergency's and she considered the fact that I didn't wake up before noon an "emergency".

"Mmwhattimesit" Jan sleepily mumbles from her cocoon.

"11:30 bitch. You have company coming over to day drink and talk shit today so get up."She says. "Your dorm is... very not clean."

I smiled, still not opening my eyes. Gigi's voice had become almost robotic. It's something she does sometimes without realizing, it mixes well with her terrible sense of humor.

I lie there, peacefully resting my eyes and listening to Gigi pottering around before she suddenly goes silent and I sense someone near me. I open my eyes, jumping back when I see Gigi only inches from my face.

"What's up bitch?" She says in a purposely robotic voice.

I laugh and push her off me, she pretends to be hurt before smiling and Jan mumbles something inaudible about "Crygi". I get up and throw on some sweats. I'd change when we'd cleaned the dorm.

Jan had clearly fallen asleep again so Gigi and I just cleaned around her, chatting about classes, the day ahead, and other random things before the subject eventually turned to the movie that we'd be doing in my hometown this summer.

"So Daegen told me you'd already agreed to it" I said.

"Well...yes." She answers "I have three friends from back home coming to do it too! Rosy, Symone and Rubber! They're really excited to actually go somewhere outside LA."

I stop what I'm doing and look up at her.

"Did you just say Rubber."

She just looked at me and smiled.

"Yes." She said "yes I did."

I just stand for a minute before going back to my cleaning. We talk a bit more about random things, Jan joining us at around 2, before eventually changing into some nicer clothes and setting up last minute snacks and drinks. Gigi tends to make sure we're prepared. Gigi and I then sit on my bed, my head on her shoulder, as Jan sits opposite us on her bed, complaining about how she's third wheeling. We just laugh at her until eventually Jackson arrives, which means we can't make fun of her for third wheeling anymore.

The rest of our friends begin drifting in. Nicky and Jaiden arriving just a few minutes after Jackson, and then followed by Vanessa and Brooke and lastly, Heidi.

"Are you serious, I'm seriously...." Heidi says, pointing at each of us and muttering to herself. ".... ninth wheeling right now?"

We laugh and Nicky quickly chimes in.

"Don't worry 'eidi, we'll get you a man." She says in her French accent.

"I don't need no man, or no woman." Heidi says, crossing her arms before laughing.

She's amazing to be around, she has the most contagious smile you've ever seen and is liked by every person she meets.

"Let's do makeovers!" Nicky says, clapping her hands in excitement. "I'm doing Jan's! I'm going to make her into a flight attendant!"

"Why a flight attendant, Nicky?" Jan laughs.

"Because I found this stupid fucking hat and want to get some use out of it." Nicky replies, whipping a pink flight attendant hat out of nowhere.

"Fine go for it" Jan says, laughing at her.

"Crystal do my nails!" Gigi says, holding out her hands.

"Only if I can make them like long pink talons." I say, taking Nicky's nail kit from her.

"Ok fine. Heidi you should get someone to improve your makeup" Gigi teases.

"AH!" Heidi replies, mock gasping and placing her fingertips gently on her chest. "Bitch did you just call me ugly."

Gigi just laughs and Heidi joins her. We were in for a good evening.


Clearing up some things:

None of them are straight, Crystal is lesbian, Gigi and Nicky are Bi, Jackson and Jaiden are both ALSO bi, Heidi is pan and Jan doesn't want a label.

Also Tiff will be in a later chapter don't worry there's NO TIFF ERASURE!!

Also I deemed myself CEO of references ❤️
- J

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