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I'm about to explode with excitement and I'm bouncing and fidgeting while waiting for Jan to  come out of the changing rooms after her practice, when she finally does I think she's a bit taken aback by my energy.

"HI JAN!!!" I shout over as I run to hug her.

"Hey Crys, you're in a good mood! I'm happy to see that!" She says, laughing at me

"Wanna get breakfast before art history?" I ask

"Well duh!! Let's go to the café we always go to,  Jinkx's teashop!" She says excitedly

Jinkxs teashop is a quaint little café almost completely hidden on campus, jinkx herself is a sweet lady with gorgeous ginger hair and a soft spoken voice, she's serving us today.

"Hi little ladies! What can I get for you pair today" she says softly

We both order tea, I order a cinnamon roll and Jan orders a pain au chocolat, cinnamon rolls are my favorite food and jinkx's are homemade, I love them with my whole heart.

While we're waiting for our breakfast, Me and Jan just chat.

"So Crys, is there a reason for this good mood?" She asks, in a tone that makes me understand she already knows my reason.

"Well... it's Gigi" I said

She slams her hand on the table, causing one or two people to look over.

"I knew it!!" She said, excited.

I blush

"I mean its just we stayed up late talking and I found out today that she's bi" I say, still smiling and blushing, I look up and Jan looks like she's going to genuinely explode into excited giggles.

"That's great!! I noticed you stayed up later than me but I didn't realize you were talking to her! You deserve each other!" She smiles at me

I smile back, I really really want Gigi

After class I walk to the old theater, since Halloween is Friday we decided to have our meeting today. When I arrive there's a few people already there.

Gigi sees me and smiles, I blush and she pats the seat beside her. I walk over and sit down, becoming aware of how close we are.

"So I thought we could work on Halloween costumes today" Gigi said, once everyone was there.
I was excited for this, once Gigi was done talking to another few people she came back over and sat beside me.

"So what are you thinking of going as?" She says.

I look up into her brown eyes which are staring intensely at me.

"I'm thinking Pennywise, but I don't wanna be predictable or basic" I reply

"I'm going as a drag king! I don't think it's too basic, I know you could elevate it! Your makeup skills are incredible!" She says, smiling

I blush VERY hard at this.

"Thank you so much!! I'll try my best" I say, laughing.

"Also I was wondering if you wanna maybe come to the show with me and Nicky, you can bring your roommate, Jan isn't it?"

"Definitely!" I say without hesitation, even though it took me by surprise that she was asking me.

"Great!" She said, looking into my eyes again

Those eyes, they make me melt.

"I can't wait to see you then!" She whispers grabbing my hand as she gets up off her seat, holding onto my hand a bit longer than would be considered "friendly"

I watch her as she walks out of the theater, and a few minutes I go after, back to my dorm to Jan, excited for both Thursday AND Friday!

I hope you're enjoying this story! I'm really enjoying writing it :)
- J

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