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I woke up to the birds chirping and the sound of people starting their days in the distance. I shuffled around cocking my head up slightly, unaware of where I was at first, when I noticed that someone's arms were around me and that my head was on someone's chest, not a pillow. I looked up at a sleeping Gigi and smiled to myself, all the memories of the night before coming back. The fort, the movies, the happiness. Isn't it crazy how one person can give such meaning to your life? How one sentence can make you wake up happy?

I lay back on her chest, not wanting to move for fear of waking her up. I listened to people talking and laughing, and heard the distinct sound of the caretaker mowing the lawn. After a few minutes Gigi started waking up and muttering in her sleep.

"The lawn- the lawnmowers" she muttered, eyes scrunched closed.

I sat up and leaned on my elbow looking at her.

"Geege? Are you awake?" I whispered

She smiled with her eyes still closed.

"Geege... I like that nickname." She muttered sleepily.

I laughed quietly as I lay back down on her chest. Her right arm hooked around my shoulders instinctively as she sighed to herself, burying her face in my puffy red hair. I smiled to myself as my stomach filled with butterflies. All I wanted to do was squeal with excitement. I genuinely couldn't believe that I could call Gigi mine, I couldn't fully process it as in a way, it still didn't feel real to me. Even though I knew how real it was.

I was perfectly at peace sitting there, I must've drifted off to sleep again as the next thing I remember was Gigi whispering in my ear.

"Crystal? We have to get up now to clear up the fort." She said

I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Gigi started gathering pillows as I took down the fairy lights. We worked taking down the fort in comfort silence, except for Gigi humming "take on me" every now and then. As we were working I kept thinking to myself, how was this real? This whole situation felt like a dream yet I knew it was reality. I may only know Gigi a few months but something was connecting us. Something I'd never felt before. Yet I knew that whatever this something was, it wasn't going to let us fall apart. No matter distance, no matter situations, no matter what. This was right, I'd never been so sure of anything in my life.

After clearing out the fort completely, it came time to deconstruct the fort.

"What did you use to keep this up?" I asked.

"Old tent poles and Jaidens golf clubs." She said laughing.

Only Gigi would use golf clubs to hold up a pillow fort. She may seem overly confident and serious, but in reality she was as much of a weirdo as I was. Just in a different way.

We started taking down the fort when all of a sudden it fell on both of us. We laughed as we struggled to clamber out of the sheets, blankets, tent poles and golf clubs. When we eventually both got out I looked over and Gigi, her face was flushed and she had an excited gleam in her eyes.

Damn she was beautiful.

I am so glad y'all like this wtf 🥺🥺 sorry ab the late update I was lowkey distracted with life :,)


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