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"I'm gay" I blurted out.

They paused for a moment before Daegen laughs at me.

"Is that supposed to come as a shock?" She laughed, looking at me. "I'm proud of you though."

Daya squealed and gave me a quick hug, Lux did the same.

"So any special girls then?" Lux asked, side eyeing me and grinning.

I blushed and looked down.

"Wellllllll..... yes." I said, smiling slightly as I felt the butterflies in my stomach erupt just talking about Gigi.

"Bitch WHOOOOOOOO!!" Daegen said, leaning forward on her elbows, eager to find out all the details.

"Well her name is Gigi, she's beautiful. She has these gorgeous bright eyes and her hair shines black and grey and blue." I say. "She's the sweetest and most caring person I've ever met."

I continue talking about Gigi for a while. Daya and Lux look at each other and Jan rolls her eyes, making a "she does this all the time" face and the three others.

"YeaaaOKKKAYY" Daegen says, leaning back against the wall. "That's all well and good but I want to know when and how y'all got together."

"OH! This is SUCH a cute story!" Jan giggles, clapping her hands lightly.

I blush as I tell them all the story of the previous week when Gigi made the pillow fort, I tell it in much more detail so that even Jan is leaning forward, hooked on every word.

After I finished the story there was a pause before all 4 of the other girls started talking all at once in excitement.

"Crystal and gigi, Gigi and crystal...." Daegen muttered to herself before suddenly shouting out "CRYGI!"

The room went silent and the guy next door shouted "SHUT UP" at us as usual, Daegen looked at the wall, and bobbed her head at it, as an act of asking the guy if he wanted to fight, as if he could even see her.

"Anyway as I was SAYINGGGGGG..." she said.
"Crygi. Crystal and Gigi makes Crygi."

She thought for a minute and then smiled.

"I cant WAIT until your famous and I can get rich from putting that on merch" she said.

I rolled my eyes and we all laughed.

Crygi merch, as if.

We chatted normally after that. About college, about our past and our futures, about anything we could really. Eventually though, the other girls had to leave as they were leaving early the next day to get back to Missouri.

When the door closed behind them, I felt sad. I loved Jan but the room felt so empty with just... simply Jan. I groaned as I started getting ready for bed, Jan doing the same. She could tell I was upset so before we both got into bed she gave me a hug.

"they're not gone forever you know." She said.

I nodded, thankful for her comforting words, as I lay down in bed, covering my head with my blanket.

I slept like a baby regardless of my intense amount of emotion. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I did cry a little bit, I mean I cry when I have too much of any emotion. Plus, I was really going to miss them.

I woke early in the morning and spent a long time getting ready. Eventually walking down to the entrance of the dorms to meet my parents.

We had barely walked 3 steps before walking straight into Gigi.

She looked at me, her eyes sparkling.

"Hi!" She said politely. "You must be Crystals parents! I'm her girlfriend, Gigi!"

Oh fuck.

"You're her WHAT!" My mom screamed, causing a flock of birds to fly out of the tree beside us.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUCKKKK.

Well isn't that a SPIFFING way to end this chapter :)

I'll update more probably tomorrow, or will I ;)

Don't hate me!

- J

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