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I sat in that spot for hours. My phone was on silent and the strong emotions left me gradually as the sun began to set. After a while I was left sitting in the darkness feeling empty. Like someone had stripped me of all my worth.

I didn't want to go back to my dorm but I didn't want to stay. I didn't want to feel emotions but I wanted to cry until I couldn't cry anymore. I wrapped the picnic blanket, which my parents left behind, around my shoulders to shield myself from the icy November breezes. I sat staring at a singular blade of grass as a small tear fell from my eye. I didn't even move my hand to wipe it away, I couldn't be bothered to do anything right now.
I didn't even think to text Jan. In fact, everyone other than my parents had been completely forgotten about in this moment. That included Daegen, Daya, Lux, Jan and even Gigi.

I must have drifted off where I was sitting because the next thing I remember what's being shaken awake and pulled into a tight hug by a purple wearing blonde girl.

"Wha-" I muttered, my voice a mix of tiredness and sadness.

"I've been looking for you for hours, it's almost 5 a.m. You must be freezing!" Jan said, rubbing my shoulders in an attempt to warm me up.

I just yawned in response to this.

"Let's go back to the dorm, come on." She said, encouraging me to stand up and walk with her to her old but extremely clean car. I followed in a daze, sitting in the front seat of her car and staring straight ahead. Not even flinching when Jan accidentally hit the car horn as she got into the car.

"How did you know where I was." I muttered in an attempt to distract myself from the suffocating thoughts in my head.

"Gigi came running to me with Nicky about half an hour after you left the dorm." She started. I felt myself inhale sharply when I heard Gigi's name. "She explained the whole story to me and we tried to think about where you would've gone. We checked almost every restaurant in the area before I decided to call Daegen, I got her number yesterday you see"

She looked at me but I just stared straight ahead, so she continued the story.

"So anyway, I called Daegen and asked if she knew where you could've gone and she said she overheard your Dad talking about taking you for a picnic in the park. After hearing that we went straight there, it was about 8 o'clock at this point, yet you were nowhere to be found. Nicky eventually dragged Gigi home at about 2 a.m and that was definitely a struggle, Gigi is distraught." She said, I scoffed as I was still a little bit mad at Gigi. "I kept looking though and now I found you. I'm not going to ask what happened but just know, I'm here."

I looked at her, hoping I could show my gratefulness through the sadness in my eyes. We arrived back at the campus and back on our dorm floor without anything happening.

Until we got to the door of our dorm that is.

"Well well well... I thought it was you next door" a mans voice suddenly said from beside me.

I jumped and looked at the guy leaning against the door of the dorm next to ours.

I studied him for a minute before realizing who it was.

"Not now, Justin." I sigh, shock welling up inside me when I see him. I haven't seen him since he made my life a misery after we broke up in high school.

Yeah. Today just got worse and worse.

Look how fast I updated!!! That was only a DAY!!


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