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Internal Noise
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I smiled sheepishly at his comment, "do you need something?"

"Yeah, actually," he said letting himself into my place.

"Woah, hey there buddy, where do you think you're going?" I asked surprised at his sudden action.

He placed the bags on the floor and came towards me, making me take a step back, accidentally pushing the door closed with my back.

"I think this is yours," his face was too close.

"Huh?" I uttered. A smirk started to grow on his face and I looked down to see he was holding a letter. I took it from him and pushed him back with a finger on his shoulder. "And you needed to get this close to give me this?"

He laughed, "no, I just wanted to see your reaction," he said as he put his hands in his pockets.

The hell is up with this kid? And he has the guts of calling me rude!?

"Thanks," I waved the letter, "you may leave now," I opened the door again. The whole encounter had been really weird.

"Wait, there's one more thing!"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "does it involve you invading my personal space again?"

He laughed, "no, I just don't know where you take your trash here," he looked at the bags on the floor.

"Ew that's trash? Pick it up! I cleaned the floor yesterday!"

He quickly grabbed it and mumbled a small sorry while flashing me an awkward smile. I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen, grabbed my own trash that I hadn't taken out yet and said, "let's go."

He followed me to the back of the building. There were three different bins in a shed behind where cars would park.

"Here," I said and threw my bag in.

"Which one's which?" He asked.

"Blue is recycled, green is other trash. How do you not know that?"

He thew his bags out and we walked back into the building, we were quiet as we waited for the elevator.


The doors opened and I tapped the third floor icon.

"Why are you so mean to me?" He asked.

I looked at him dumbfounded. I didn't know how to reply.

"I don't know. Why? Did I offend you or something? Do you want me to apologize?"

He turned to me and rested against the wall of the elevator, "no, just curious."

I looked at the doors in front. Not wanting to make eye contact with him. For some reason he had a thing for making me nervous. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I didn't want to say something stupid, so I continued to dismiss him, "don't be. There's nothing interesting here."

"Guess you're right. You're doing nothing on a Friday night. You must be pretty boring." He stood next to me again, facing the front as the doors opened on the third floor.

I scoffed at his comment, "I'm not boring. And you're not doing anything either."

He stepped out first, "who says I'm not? I'm going out right now, it's only 10, the night has just started," he took a step towards me. I stood my ground this time, not letting him intimidate me. "Unless..."

"What?" I asked.

"Unless you wanna come over. Then it won't be boring for you either," his voice was significantly lower than before.

I stayed still, looking into his eyes. Something in them kept sparkling, even under the ugly white light of the corridor. Why wasn't I moving? Why wasn't I saying anything?

"Relax," he said, "I'm just joking. Good night Nari," he winked and walked into his apartment.

I was left there. Not moving. Blush covering my cheeks at the realization of what had just happened.

What the hell was that?! I hate this guy. He's officially the worst neighbor ever.


Yo Yo

I hope you enjoy this story !!

Updates will be twice a week, I'm thinking Mondays and Fridays, so that it's on a different day from Mark's story updates :)

Welp, that's all, have fun reading and leave a vote if you like it ~ (you don't have to, but it makes me feel appreciated lol)

~ Mel 💚

~ Mel 💚

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