e l e v e n

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A/N: I hope you survived the previous chapter :) if it wasn't clear enough, it's about to get clearer here!

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Internal Noise
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My eyes darted open.

What the hell did I just dream?!

Blood rushed to my cheeks at the realization that it wasn't a dream, but a memory. The memory of that night after the club.

It doesn't bother me. I feel nothing.

I tried to convince myself.

Forget it! Forget it and go back to sleep!

I closed my eyes tightly and tried to make myself fall back asleep, but loud banging came from the wall I shared with Haechan.

What in the world is he doing?!

It had been a week since the whole "incident" had happened and I hadn't seen him at all. I didn't know if he was avoiding me on purpose or if he was just busy, but we chose to not have anything change, so I wasn't going to keep thinking about it; about him. That was, until all the noise started again.

That was the third consecutive night he had been messing with his wall. Shoving things around and hammering stuff. I was sick of it.

I focused all my energy on how noisy and annoying he was being. Leaving my newly found memories in the back of my head, not to be touched.

I walked over to his place and banged on his door. He was quick to open it, almost as if he was waiting for me.

"What's with all the no— god! Why are you always shirtless?" I looked away.

"Nothing you haven't seen before." I looked at his face, his comment clearly breaking the pact we made.

"Oh my god, we said we wouldn't talk about it!"

"About what? Don't you remember when you helped me with the bookshelf?" He had a smug look on his face.


Shiiitttt I messed up!

"Ah, that's... that's what I meant," I faced away again, trying my hardest not to look at his exposed skin.

Why does he like being shirtless all the time anyway? It's not like he has abs or anything too nice to show. Just... beautiful tanned skin... and oh... is he sweating? Wow... it's like he's shining... NO! STOP IT!

"W-what's with all the noise?" I cleared my throat for better emphasis. Totally not because I was just about to drool.

"I'm putting up a wallpaper behind my bed."

"And you're hammering it?"

"Oh no, I thought a frame or something would look better there so I was putting that up yesterday, but I changed my mind. Wallpaper is better."

"Okay... well... stop doing it at night. It's late," I turned to leave, I really needed to get out of his sight before I kept accidentally looking down his body.

"You know, I'd be done faster if you helped me," he called after me.

I kept walking, "I don't help naked people."

He laughed at that, "I have a shirt right here, come back."

I stopped and took in a deep breath before turning around and walking back to him. We stepped into his room and I couldn't help but laugh at what he was putting up.

"What's so funny?"

"A fake brick wall? How cheap do you wanna look? It's totally gonna close in the space and make the room look way smaller."

He crossed his arms, "listen, I'm no interior designer okay? I like the brick wall so I'm gonna put it up."

"Okay then. I don't care, just tell me what to do, it's late."

"Stop saying it's late, it's nine!"

"Nine is late! I was asleep!"

"You're such an old lady," he whispered but I still heard him.

"I'm a what?"

"Nothing!" He handed me some tape. "You're taping this?" I asked in shock to which he replied with a stern look. "Sorry, it's your place, you do whatever you want."

I got on the bed and started placing pieces of tape on the middle part of the wall, but I couldn't quite reach the top.

Stupid building with these high ceilings. I cursed in my head.

Suddenly I felt the bed tip and his arms around my waist as he picked me up. Startled by the sudden lift, I moved which caused him to lose balance on the spongy mattress, making us both fall backwards.

"Ow," he exclaimed.

I quickly rolled off of him and to the side, sitting on my knees, "are you okay? I'm sorry! You need to warn me, idiot!" I punched his arm.

"Ow! Don't keep hurting the victim!"

"Sorry! It's a reflex..." I smiled awkwardly.

"If you're sorry then you know what to do," he said tapping his cheek with his finger.

"Are you joking? This again?"

He nodded and closed his eyes expectantly.


I leaned down and quickly pecked his cheek. He opened his eyes and tried to contain a smile, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't think you'd do it."

I rolled my eyes and stood up, "whatever. I take it back," I stormed out of the room. I was fuming.

"You can't!" I heard him scream and stand up, but I was fast and left his place all together.

I slid down the back of my apartment's door and cupped my cheeks as I sat on the floor. Gosh, they were burning.

Why did I do that? And why am I blushing so much?

Why did I do that? And why am I blushing so much?

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