t h i r t y f o u r

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A/N: sweet, soft, sexy time around the second half of the chapter

━━━━ ☔︎ ━━━━
Internal Noise
━━ ☔︎ ━━

"Are you not gonna say sorry for getting my shirt wet?"

He laughed, "but you started it."

"Wha- how? You spanked me!"

"Yeah, well I had a reason for that."

I laughed, "shut up."

"You said you liked it!"

I finished putting the last dish on the drying rack.

"Staying quiet, I see," he spoke, and I could sense him wiggling his eyebrows victoriously. Stepping away, I made my way to my bedroom to look for a change of clothes.

He followed me, "wait!" He yelled, grabbing my arm that looked through the drawer.

"What, Hyuck? I need to take a shower or I'll get a cold."

"Just wait," he pushed me back and dove into my drawer, picking something out for me to wear.

I tried to peak from behind him, "what are you doing?"

"Here," he turned around with a large shirt I had stolen from him. It was a black and blue shirt. Its good days far behind it, as the neck was stretched out and looked rather old. "Since you refuse to give it back, you should at least use it."


I smiled, grabbing the single clothing item and pushing him out, fetching some underwear and going into the shower.

— ☔︎ —

When I finally came out, I found Hyuck on my bed, watching videos on his phone.

"You're still here?" I asked. He snapped his eyes from the device and ran them slowly up my exposed legs. "Are you sleeping here tonight?" I asked, turning around to my vanity, looking for a hair-tie.

"Are you naked under that?" He raised an eyebrow.

I snapped my head around at his words. They probably came out needier than he intended because his face was rather pink.

I see... this is why he wanted me to wear his shirt.

"I'm not," but I wasn't going to give in that easily. Not after all the pranks he'd pulled on me, "I'm wearing shorts."

His expression changed, his face relaxed at my words as a chuckle quickly followed. I shook my head and made my way next to him on the bed, "what are you watching?"

He moved the pillow up so I could rest my head on the side of his chest, "it's a new game that came out," he lifted the screen up a bit so I could see too, but I wasn't interested in the video. All I could focus on was the handsome man next to me.

His side profile was perfect, even in the low lighting of the room. His even breathing pattern, how his chest moved up and down as he concentrated on the video between his hands, and how he would unknowingly pout his lips was perfect too. He smiled, "do you like me that much?"

Suddenly, I felt shy. It wasn't a common emotion for me, I'm sure I've said that before. I was learning to cope with it, but still, all I could do was nod.

He felt the movement next to him and finally put the phone down, "wah~ you're just gonna nod? Not even say you like me? Must be a lie then."

"I like you," I said, "I really, really like you... a lot." I could tell he was a bit taken aback. I'm sure he knew how I felt about him, but knowing and hearing the words was something different, so sparked by the feel of the moment, I continued, "I like you so much. I don't think I've ever liked someone as much as I like you. I-"

Internal Noise | HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now