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Internal Noise
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The next couple weeks were filled with petty favors and random text messages. Haechan wouldn't miss a chance to tease me about that stupid kiss.

"I did it out of pity" or "stop being so thirsty" were my only decent replies.

Truth is, I don't know why I did it. It was such a childish thing, how did I not see through him? Worst part was, I'm not sure I regretted it. Even if he annoyed me most of the time, I liked having him around, with his dumb jokes and games. He was fun.

Anyway, enough talking about him.

The weather was starting to get chilly. It was finally October, the best time of the year!

I mean, leaves falling, brown and orange trees, finally being able to use all my hoodies, plus the best holiday, Halloween!

Wait, is Halloween considered an actual holiday? Why don't the kids get the day off from school? Something doesn't make sense.

I went to work that morning in a good mood and, surprisingly enough, I was able to maintain it for the whole day. After classes ended we had rehearsals for the musical.

Which meant I only had about an hour of free time before I had to be back on campus. Just enough time to grab a quick bite, and shower off the long day.

The auditions went really well. Many girls auditioned, even if it was just to see Taeyong's face. Boys did too, mainly because of girls they liked, but I couldn't complain. We had more than enough people to pull off a great performance. It was the second week of rehearsals and the kids knew some of their lines already, which I was overjoyed with.

Taeyong was coaching them with their vocals while I went over stage directions. We didn't have much time to get this ready, it was a middle school play after all. The goal was to perform before winter break, which meant we had around a month and a half to get the show ready.

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"I'm exhausted," I sighed as I flopped on a chair in the teachers' lounge. Taeyong chuckled, walking in the room. Rehearsal was finally done.

"It's getting late," he said looking at his watch. I checked my phone: 7:21 p.m.

"I'm starving," I complained, still thrown on the chair. "Let's go eat then," Taeyong said, to which I cocked an eyebrow, "are you paying?" I asked.


"Wait, really?" I sat up. He nodded. "Yay! Let's go!"

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Taeyong and I went to a chicken place near my apartment. The food was delicious and it tasted even better since it was free! I would just pay next time we grabbed lunch or something to be even.

"So," I started, "how you holding up since, you know..."

"The breakup?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm fine, really. I kinda saw it coming..."


"Well..." he didn't seem too comfortable with the topic.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it." I assured him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked at it and smiled, "it's fine," he said and proceeded with his story.

"She was distant and didn't seem to want to spend time with me... I still don't know what was going on, but I must've been the reason," a sad smile appeared on his face as he looked down at his food.

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