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Internal Noise
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Ugh... my head...

My eyes opened to white fluorescent lights.

Too bright...

It was hard to see.



"Oh god! Thank you!" Her eyes teared up, "you're okay. We were so scared!"

We? I looked around the room and found Jungwoo standing by the foot of the bed. That's when I realized I didn't recognize the room.

"W-where am I?" My voice came out groggy.

"The hospital," she said, "you were in an accident."

My stomach sank. Everything started coming back to me. The trip. The fight. Fear started to overpower my senses as I tried to sit up, pain striking up my abdomen.


"Stay down, the doctor said you shouldn't move."

"H-hyuck... how is he?" I asked as she looked at me worriedly, the sadness in her eyes had my heart tearing apart.


"He's in surgery. He's gonna be okay, Nari."

"Oh my god..." it felt as if my chest was too tight. All the air was being sucked out of my lungs at her words. I started standing up again, "I have to see him."

"Nari sit down."

"No! I told him I hated him," water prickled my eyes with regret, "I- I told him so many awful things, I-"

I couldn't breath. I started hyperventilating.

"Shh, you need to rest," she gently pushed me back on the hospital bed, trying to comfort me through a hug. Jungwoo stood behind her, completely quiet.

I had never seen him like this...

No matter what, though. I couldn't stop blaming myself.

This is my fault. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have picked a fight while we drove. Oh my god. What if he- no... no! I did this! This is all on me!

A nurse came in placing a breathing mask over my mouth and nose, but it didn't calm me down. Not completely. I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to him.

"I- I don't understand..." I tried to speak through tears, "we- were fine. What- Kami! You can't let him die! Kami!" I held her hand tightly, my eyes wide and red, flinching between her own as I pleaded my friend for something she had no control over.

"Dr. Kang is one of our best," the nurse spoke, "he's gonna be okay." I looked at her. Her face full of compassion, but also pity. "Is there anyone else you would like to contact? Family?"

"I called her parents earlier," Kami said, "they're on a plane right now."

"What about your boyfriend? Should we call anyone?"

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