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Internal Noise
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Ugh, my head!

I squinted my eyes shut as a strong beam of light hit my face. I extended my hand, blindly looking for my phone on my night stand, just to not feel anything.

I slightly opened an eye in an attempt to get a hold of it, but noticed there was nothing there. And I didn't mean my phone wasn't there, I meant my whole nightstand was gone, and the wall was colored differently.

What the hell?

I felt something move against my back, and that's when I noticed an arm resting over my waist. Shocked, I pushed it off me and turned to see who I so-wished it wouldn't be.

"Aaahh!!" I screamed, grabbing the sheets and covering myself up to my neck.

"What?! What?!" Haechan screamed too, just waking up. It took him a second to realize what was happening, "holy shit. Did we?" He asked looking at me.

"No! Maybe we just fell asleep!"


I closed my eyes and banged the back of my head against the bed's headboard.

Okay, Nari, stay calm.

"Condom," I thought out loud, "look for a condom," I told him. I picked up my underwear and dress form the floor and quickly wore them. He did the same but only with his pants, and we stormed to different sides of the room.

Fuck fuck fuck! This can't be happening!

My legs felt wobbly, my head ached, and I felt like I would throw up any second.

"Found it!" We both said at the same time.

He laughed from the other side of the bed, "damn, okay," he smiled like an idiot.

"Wow, really?" My anger started to burst, "is this funny to you?"

"A little?" He laughed again and I glared. "I mean no. It's not."

"Did you plan all this?"

"What? No."

I grabbed my bag and shoes, and walked past him and out of his room.

"Wait!" He held my arm, "you seriously think I planned this?" I shook his arm off, "I don't know. I don't care. Just- leave me alone!" I stormed out.

I ran to my place and slammed the door of my room shut. I threw myself on my bed face-down. "Ughhh!!" I grunted.

I can't believe that just happened. Fuck! What do I do now?!

Slowly the memories of the previous night started coming back. I started to realize he really didn't force me into anything, and that we were both drunk.

"We stumbled out of the club and into a cab, then... I don't know... we took the elevator- no. We took the stairs. We took the stairs? What the fuck?" I started thinking out loud, "I wobbled to the door and tried unlocking it but it wasn't working. Haechan came after me, screaming, 'hey! That's not your house,' his words were slurred and then... blank. Fuck, why can't I remember?!"

I felt my stomach grumbling and I knew I was getting hungry, but anything I ate in that state would most likely become vomit. Ugh, I felt so sick and my head kept aching.

"I need some medicine," I walked into the bathroom looking for something, anything, that could help me feel better, and that's when I saw a big red hickey on my neck. "Oh no. No no no no!"

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