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Internal Noise
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"Good morning class," I greeted as I walked into the room. "Morning Miss!" They cheered back.

"Wow, that's a lot of energy you have today. Good!"

Something's definitely up with them...

By the end of the period a few of the girls came up to me, "Miss Nari..."


"Is there going to be a musical?"

I smiled at their sudden interest in drama, "well, yes. Auditions will start this week!"

"Miss Nari..." another one asked, "is Mr. Lee going to be there?" The other two chuckled while she asked.

Ah, I see. This is why they care about it.

"Yes, he is. It's a musical so he will be helping with auditions and a couple more things," I smiled.

"So, can we audition?"

"Of course you can. Auditions start tomorrow after school."

They squealed and walked away.

— ☔︎ —

At lunch time, I looked for Taeyong. "Hey," I said as I sat next to him.

"Hey, what's up with the scarf?" He joked.

"You don't wanna know," I said and cleared my throat, "you know, I really like this whole 'you helping with the production' thing."

He smiled, "really?"

"Yeah, a lot of girls are asking to audition," I laughed, "I think they have a crush on you."

"Oh," he scratched the back of his neck, "yeah I don't know why that keeps happening..."

"You're kidding right?"

He looked at me confused. "Dude! Literally everyone here likes you. Even the guys," I laughed, grabbing my water bottle and taking a sip.

"Does that include you?"

I almost chocked on my water, "you're funny today. It includes your girlfriend."

He looked down at his food, "actually, Boyoung broke up with me last week..."

I was surprised by the sudden news. They seemed to be doing so well... I couldn't believe it, "I'm sorry Tae... I had no idea. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." he looked back at me with a small smile. I could tell he was hurt. It seemed so sudden.

"Hey, if you need anything I'm here for you, even if it's to talk shit about her for hours, okay?" I patted his back.

"Thanks, Nari."

— ☔︎ —

Four o'clock. I stood outside of Haechan's apartment, too scared to knock.

Stop freaking out!

As I was finally going to knock he opened the door.

"Hi," I said, my hand still in the air.

"Come in," he opened the door wider.

Sitting in his living room felt weird. The air was thick and I didn't know how to break the tension.

"So, you finally bought a couch," I started.

"Yeah, thought it was about time."

The room fell silent again.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I kind of remembered how we got here and I think I might have pushed it a bit too far..."


I nodded.

"That's not how I remember it..."

I looked up at him as he said that. I started to remember what happened at the door.

"Hey! That's not your house," his words were slurred and then... "I know," I grabbed his neck and pulled him in, kissing him.

God what's he saying? It was totally me!

But then... "wait," I said, "this is wrong," I broke the kiss. The door behind me suddenly opened and I would've fallen if it wasn't for him holding me. "Woah," I laughed, "you saved me!" He laughed too, then pushed me against the wall and kissed me again. "Is this wrong?" He asked me and I shook my head, he smiled and picked me up.

"Holy shit," I whispered.

More memories of that night flashed back into my brain. My thoughts were still blurry, but judging by the images in my head, it didn't feel like I'd want to forget anymore.

"What?" He asked, confused at my sudden words.

"Nothing. I think it's best if we forget about all of this. Don't you think?" I asked and remained quiet. I stood up, "we're neighbors, so we'll keep running into each other. So, how about we just pretend it didn't happen? Go back to the way it was before."

"Is that what you want?" His tone was cold.

"Yes. Please. Let's not make it weirder than it already is. We were drunk... and acting stupid... we didn't know what we were doing."

"Okay so... what? We're gonna ignore it?"


Just by looking at his face I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Wouldn't it be best this way? It's not like we were anything more than just neighbors before this whole thing happened anyway, so why make it a big deal?

He stood up, "okay," he smirked.

"What's with the face?" I didn't like the expression he had. I had a feeling he was up to something and I wasn't going to like it.

"Nothing. It didn't happen right? So let's act like it."


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