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Internal Noise
━━ ☔︎ ━━

Waking up next to Haechan felt different this time. Feeling his arms wrapped around my waist to pull me closer to the warmth of his chest was a feeling too nice to let go of.

But, I had been awake for quite a while now, and in a serious need of a shower.

I knew we needed to talk about... well, a lot of things, but maybe we didn't have to. I was afraid of ruining something good before it even started...

Did I let this go too far? Was yesterday wrong?

I tried moving his arm away so I could stand, but earned a grunt from him, waking up.

He turned me around to face him, smiling, his eyes barely open, "hi," he said. His voice just above a whisper, raspy as voices sound in the morning.

Oh who cares...

No matter how many unclear feelings roamed the walls of that bedroom, one thing was clear. I was happy.

"Hi," I smiled, moving some strings of hair from his eyes. He pecked my lips, holding me tight against him, then resting his head in the crook of my neck. His warm breath tickling me.

"Hyuck, I wanna shower," I said moving back and standing from the bed to grab a change of clothes.

He groaned as his arms reached for a pillow to hug instead. Then, he sleepily sat up, "wait, what did you say?"

"I'm gonna take a shower."

"No, you called me Hyuck," he grinned widely.

I smiled, my cheeks turning slightly red at the realization, "shut up," I left the room and got into the shower, starting to rinse off.

He stood up finding his pants and putting them on. He grabbed his phone and checked the time, "it's 10:30. Wait, don't you work today?"

I froze.

"Shit! My alarm! Why didn't it go off?!" I started to scrub desperately fast, trying to finish in as little time as possible.

I'm super late! Oh my god! My stupid phone!

Suddenly, I became the flash. Getting dressed in what seemed like just a second and grabbing my bag from the floor.

"Have you seen my phone?" I asked Haechan, who was following me like a lost puppy. He shook his head and looked around with me.

"Whatever. I don't have time. Here," I threw a spare key at him and darted for the door, "please find it and lock up for me!"

I was gone before he could answer.

This is not how I expected my morning to go...

— ☔︎ —

"I'm so sorry sir. It won't happen again."

That was the only thing I could muster up saying to Principal Park. The scolding wasn't too bad though. It was the first time something like that had happened in the 2 years I had worked there.

"It better not, Ms. Lee. Because of you, we had to send all your classes to the auditorium, and you know how loud kids get in there."

"I'm really sorry..."

Even though I didn't love the place at first, I had grown not to hate it. I needed to keep this job. Plus, if I got fired, it would make it harder to get to teach at the high school of my dreams...

"Nari!" I heard Taeyong call my name.

"Oh, hi..."

"You okay?" He gave me a worried look.

"Yeah, I just woke up late... haha," I nervously laughed, remembering the reason behind my tardiness.

"Your alarm didn't sound, did it?"

I was surprised at his question, "yeah, I couldn't find my phone... how'd you know?"

He took my phone out of his pocket and handed it to me.

My baby! You didn't fail me, I just lost you!

"Oh my god! Where did you find this?"

"In the break room. You must've left it there before we went to eat."

"Thank you!"

"Yeah, no problem," he turned to walk away but faced me again, telling me one last thing, "oh, you might want to check if something's wrong though. 'Annoying Neighbor' called you like a million times," he laughed, and finally left.


I checked my notifications:


Annoying Neighbor: Narii~~ come over pls :) I need your help with something
(7:32 p.m.)
Annoying Neighbor: Nari ??
(7:40 p.m.)
Annoying Neighbor: where are you rn ?
(7:54 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: who's that guy ?
(8:15 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: are you on a dat ?
(8:18 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: date*
(8:18 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: its late come home
(8:20 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: are you ignoring me ?
(8:22 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: NARIIII
(8:23 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: STOP IGNORING ME
(8:23 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: okay fine.
(8:27 p.m.)
Annoying Neighbor: I don't care.
(8:28 p.m)
Annoying Neighbor: 5 missed calls
(Last call: 8:45 p.m.)

I laughed at the streak of hurt messages.

Pfft! He doesn't care, huh? He was literally standing at my door when I got home last night!


Annoying Neighbor: 27 missed calls
(Last call: 5 minutes ago)

He must still be trying to find my phone...


Incoming call: Annoying Neighbor

"Hello?! Who is this?!" I heard his voice scream on the other line.

"It's me, I found my phone. Turns out I left it at work," I laughed.

"Oh... good!"

"I can't believe you were still looking for it. It's been over an hour, go home Haechan!"

I heard him chuckle, "but I'm having fun here."

"Get out right now!" I screamed, "and you better not have a made a mess!"

"Get out right now!" I screamed, "and you better not have a made a mess!"

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