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Internal Noise
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Hanging out with my friends was just as fun now as it was back in high school. Even though years had passed, we still connected so much and had a lot to talk about.

We spent the day at the mall. Jungwoo took us through a million stores trying to find a very specific pair of earrings he once saw a commercial for.

"Okay, I have a plan," he grabbed my arm, pulling me far from the bathroom door where Kami had just entered.

"A plan? For what?"

"To get Kami and Mark back together of course!"

"Ahh! Do tell!" I was excited about this. After talking to both of them, I could tell they had some unfinished business. I mean, she cancelled her whole wedding, c'mon!

"So, I was thinking to trick them into spending time together. You know, so they can talk and whatnot."

"Okay, well, how are we gonna do that?"

"I haven't thought that far ahead..." he had a small smile on his face. He looked clueless.

I shook my head, sighing. We kept walking in small circles when an idea finally came to me.

"I know what we can do!" I mischievously looked at him and he grinned lifting his brows.

This could backfire, but it's worth it!

— ☔︎ —

Like always, the weekend ended too soon, and I found myself back in a classroom.

I sorted some permission slips for the musical while the class watched a video. The day had gone by incredibly fast, which wasn't very common for a Monday.

I looked up from my desk and noticed the same thing as always, "Yang Jeongin put your phone away. Why is it always you?"

"Sorry Miss."

At that point I was seriously considering making a phone jail for those kids. I never liked the idea of stripping them of the devices, as you never know when there's going to be an emergency, but it was becoming a problem, and if I didn't deal with it now, it would stay the same for the remainder of the year.

When class ended I asked Jenongin to stay behind.

"This has to stop," I said firmly. He didn't dare look at my eyes. "You can't be on your phone during class, I've already told you why. If you keep being like this, I'll have to take it from you every day."

"I'm sorry. I promise I won't use it again," he spoke softly—something I didn't expect. He was always so lively, I was worried maybe something at home was causing him to act like this.

"Is everything okay?" My tone changed, clearly worried about my suspicions.

He nodded his head.

"What do you look at on your phone so much?"

"Just YouTube..."

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