f o u r t e e n

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Graphic depictions of sexual activity are expressed in this chapter. That's all I can say for this. Be safe, my children!

I've broken the episode this way so that you can skip the sexy stuff if you want, but I strongly advise against it, as it is part of the full experience of the story!

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Internal Noise
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He kicked the door shut and was quick to throw me on the bed. His lustful gaze overtook my features with hunger as he undid his belt.

I slipped out of my jeans, letting them pile up in an unknown corner of the room where his clothes soon followed. Now, only left in our underwear.

He crawled over to me until my back hit the soft sheets. Attaching his lips on mine once again.

Fuck... this is happening.

In a fast move he undid my bra and peeled it off my body. He hovered in place, looking at my smaller figure, "you're so pretty," his voice was soft, delicate, nothing like the look in his eye.

His right hand caressed my body, slowly molding it under his fingertips, moving from my breasts to my hips before gripping my ass tightly, "fuck..." he whispered.

"You gonna do something, or are you just gonna look?" I spoke confidently, bringing his eyes back to my own. A devilish smirk appeared on his features. He hooked his hand in my underwear tugging it down my legs and slipping it off in one swift move, "you're so impatient," he mumbled against my skin, lowering himself, leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down my stomach and my thighs.

In a second, I felt his tongue on me. I gasped at the pressure he applied on my bud, sucking it in his mouth.

His tongue wondered my folds with extreme precision. Not a millimeter of skin left untouched.


I looked down at his hooded eyes, lost behind the lust that enveloped the moment. He gripped my thighs firmly, taking them and placing one on his shoulder, allowing him more space to deliberately eat away at me. "Fuck!" I yelped as I felt a finger enter me. His lips still attached to my clit, sucking and pulling it between his lips.

I lost it the moment he added a second finger. Pumping them in and out at an ungodly speed, curling them, and rubbing against my sweet spot. I could barely breathe, feeling my orgasm approaching faster that ever. I gripped his hair hard, arching my back, wanting more.

That's when I felt him pull away.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked, out of breath. I saw him take off his trunks and slip on a condom I didn't even know he had on him.

He was bigger than I remembered.

He crawled over to me again, my legs automatically parting as he came between them. His honey skin glowing against the moonlit room. The low lights aiding to the heat of the moment. He pressed a small kiss on my lips before sensually whispering in my ear,

"I want you to cum around something else."

"Aah~!" I felt him push inside me. I threw my head back, only given a second to adjust before he pulled out and in again. This time, more forcefully.

He was letting all his frustration go. All those weeks of snarky remarks and teasing didn't go unnoticed. He wanted me as bad as I wanted him, maybe even more.

Internal Noise | HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now