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Internal Noise
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"C'mon! It'll be fun!" He whined.

"I don't know how to play."

"Neither do I. I'm awful at video games, I still like them though," he grinned widely, batting his eyes, trying to charm me into playing a game with him to make a YouTube video.

"You're just trying to use me as clickbait."

"I mean, obviously," he deadpanned. I gasped loudly, acting hurt as he laughed, "c'mon, pleaseee," he pouted.

I couldn't handle this side of him. Gosh I just wanted to pinch his cheeks! How did he manage to act so different, cute, and innocent?!

I sighed, "fine."

— ☔︎ —


I couldn't stop aggressively yelling at the screen. My fingers tapping on the keyboard so hard I could probably damage it. Hyuck was sitting on the bed behind me, throwing a fit of hysterical laughter at my eagerness to win.

The screen flashed red.

I died.


"Are you kidding me?! There's something wrong with this game," I turned to him, pouting, arms crossed. He just patted my hair, still laughing a bit, "you're cute when you're mad."

I scoffed, standing up from the comfy gaming chair, headed for the door, but he grabbed my arm to stop me, "where are you going?"

"Away from that evil game!"

"Shut up, you had fun," he said tugging my arm, making me flop down next to him on the bed.

I scooted up until we were laying down, throwing an arm over his chest as he wrapped me in his embrace. "Okay, maybe a bit," I whispered. I heard him chuckle before planting a small kiss on my hair.

I could stay like that forever—in his arms. There was no other place I'd rather be. His even breaths fanning over my skin as his warmth melted my heart.

"Why, 'Hyuck'?"

He hummed, confused at my sudden question. I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest. "Since the beginning, you wanted me to call you 'Hyuck'. Is that a nickname?"

He nodded, "it's short for Donghyuck, my birth name."

"Your birth name? So I've been calling you by another name this whole time and I had no idea?"

He nodded again, a small smile appearing on his face, "I started using Haechan as a gaming name, and then I used it for my videos... after a while everyone who knew me started calling me that out of habit, so I kept it." My mouth was agape, listening closely to his story. "My uncle, Sooman, gave it to me when I was little. It means full sun, y'know. Cause I'm so bright, like the sun!" He had a childish grin on his face. He clearly enjoyed this story. A smile took over my features as I bashed in his happiness.

"Wait. I just realized, I don't even know your last name," I lifted myself up a bit, now resting my face on the palm of my hand.

"Lee," he said. My eyes grew wide, "that's my last name too!"

He smiled, tucking a string of loose hair behind my ear before cupping my face, "good, then you won't have to change it when we get married," he leaned in and pecked my lips softly. Pulling away, I furrowed my brows at him, "okay, first of all, no matter what your last name is, I wouldn't change mine cause I'm a strong, independent woman. And second of all, what makes you think I'd ever marry you?"

He laughed, reaching his arms up to grab better hold of my body as he spun us around, him hovering over me. He pecked my lips, "I'm a great catch," he kissed me again, "I'm cool," again, "I'm funny," again, "I'm handsome," there was a hint of a smile on his lips as he praised himself. I couldn't help but chuckle at his words, "okay, Mr. all-that, is your camera still on?" I looked to my left where his video equipment was set up. I could clearly see a red light on the screen.

"Why? Wanna record this?" He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. I palmed his chest, "you wish," I slightly pushed him back so I could get away from under him, sitting up on the bed, "you should finish recording your video before you run out of storage."

"No," he whined as I stood up, "I can do that later. I want cuddles now~"

"Stop acting like a baby, I have to go. I'm meeting up with some friends."

"What friends?"

"You don't know them," I replied and he stood up after me, hugging my back tightly, resting his head on my shoulder. "Kami and Jungwoo." "Jungwoo? Is that a guy?" I huffed, turning to face him, "stop being so jealous," I said, moving some hair out of his eyes, "trust me, you have nothing to worry about," I pinched his cheek before I shimmied out of his embrace.

"Don't come home late!" He called after me as I walked out the door.

"Okay, mom!" I yelled back. I got into the elevator, pressing the ground floor button, but a hand held the door before it could close. I was startled, but before I could even muster up a coherent thought, Hyuck's lips were on mine.

It was a sweet kiss. No matter how fast it happened he still managed for it to be soft. One hand in my hair, one on my waist, holding me tight as to break the impact of the sudden act.

"You're my girlfriend now, right?" Was all he said as we parted lips. The fact that he had to ask warmed my heart. How much cuter could he get?

I smiled, "yeah." He did the same, "okay, I just needed to make sure. Bye now."

"Bye," I laughed, not able to contain the happiness cursing through me at the moment. I shook my head as the doors finally closed, looking down at the floor as a stupid little grin remained on my features.

Fuck, I'm whipped. So, so whipped.

 So, so whipped

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