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Internal Noise
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The first few weeks after being unemployed were fine, great even. I got to spend so much more time with Hyuck. Going on dates, watching movies, or just staying home together. It was fun, simple, and I loved every second of it.

The fact that I worked all day had me in the dark about so much. There were so many things I didn't know about him, like that his major was applied music, or how many hours of the day he spent studying; how cute he looks behind his glasses while he's concentrating on a book, or how he likes to play soft beats as background music while doing anything. I realized how much work went into making and editing videos for his channel. I tried to help as much as I could, but there wasn't much I knew how to do.

He was perfect as it was. Smart, driven, talented, fun, charismatic... meanwhile I... I couldn't even cook... and soon enough, I started to feel like a bum. Like a nuisance.

I needed to find a new job. Fast. But how could I concentrate on anything while his tanned arms circled around my waist so perfectly? While his warm body nuzzled into my back ever so lovingly?

No matter how cold it was outside, the only thing I could feel was the warmth of his embrace, holding me tightly, making me forget all my woes.

He planted a small kiss on my bare shoulder, the strap of my tank top having fallen off. I smiled at the soft touch.

"Good morning," his voice was just above a whisper, raspy from having just woken up. I turned around, moving as little as possible, not wanting his arms to pull away from me.

His eyes were still half closed, his hair messy and sticking up everywhere.


I moved a couple strings from his eyes and rested my palm on his cheek, rubbing small circles into the soft skin.

"Morning," I replied.

"What time is it?" He groaned.

I looked at the digital clock on the night stand behind him, "8:45."

"Mmh... so early," he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, his breath tickling my skin. "Let's stay like this today," he said.

I laughed, "as much as I want to, I can't. I'm meeting Kami today, remember?"

"No... stay here. Tell her I didn't let you," he hugged me tightly, leaving small kisses on my neck. I giggled at his possessiveness, bringing a hand up to play with his messy locks.

"Should I?" I asked and he hummed in response. He pulled back from my neck, resting his lips on mine in a soft kiss.

"Mmh, babe," I tried pulling away, "morning breath."

"I don't care," he kept pecking my lips, tucking my hair behind my ear and playing with it.

If he keeps this up, I actually won't stand up today.

My phone started to ring, earning a groan from Hyuck. I turned, grabbing the device, "it's Kami."

"Ugh, it's always Kami," he laid flat on his back, with an arm covering his eyes from the light coming through the slightly open window. I chuckled, "stop being so jealous. She said she had something important to tell me."


I covered my ears, "what the hell?!" Hyuck did the same, "I swear this time I'm calling the cops!"

The lady from downstairs had taken a small break from the Backstreet Boys a few weeks back, and I have to say, I wasn't happy it had ended.

With all the noisy neighbors, the only reason I stayed in that building was Hyuck. Well, other than the fact that I couldn't afford to move anywhere else. Which reminded me, my rent contract was coming to an end next month.

I had mixed feelings about it. I was happy to gain my deposit back, but I still needed to find a new job, or I wouldn't be able to keep paying.

I sighed.

"Something wrong?" Hyuck asked.

I snapped my head up, meeting his worried eyes. I put on a fake smile and shook my head, "no, everything's fine."

He nodded, but I knew the truth. It was obvious he knew how stressed I was, but I appreciated how he played dumb and didn't ask. It wasn't fair for me to dump my problems on him. He had enough on his plate as it was.

After the whole deal with Boyoung happened, he lost a good amount of followers. It was unfair, but there was nothing he could do. At least he was honest about it. He had been working extremely hard to regain his following, his rent depended on it.

"C'mon. Let's have breakfast," I said grabbing his hand to pull him up from the bed.

— ☔︎ —

Kami and I met in a cafe near my apartment building. The place was beautiful and I worried I would spend too much of my little money in it.

To my surprise, the drinks were on the cheap side. When I saw the low prices I exhaled with tranquility. The feeling didn't last for long though.

Memories of when I had found out about Mark and Eunha invaded my brain. I still hadn't dealt with it... and how could I? I was too mad to even look them in the face.

After that day, they both tried reaching out, but for all the wrong reasons. I thought they'd try to explain themselves and fix the mess they made, but the only message I got was "please don't tell Jaehyun."

Kami looked at her phone weirdly and for a second I was sure she was going to bring that up. Going to ask me why I tried to fix what he had broken so many times before and obviously didn't want back.

I couldn't shake off my anxiousness as I asked her, "so, what did you want to tell me?"

She took a sip of her drink before replying. A huge smile formed on her face while she spoke.

"I found you a job!"

"I found you a job!"

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