e i g h t e e n

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A/N: I broke this chapter in two cuz it's pretty long and because... well... you'll see when you read ch. 19 :)

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Internal Noise
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When I arrived home, I went straight to where my washing machine was. It did indeed look pretty bad.

I looked around the room and saw my wet clothes hanging on a drying rack, but I didn't see any water.

He must have mopped, and he hung my clothes to dry. That's sweet.

I decided to send him a quick message thanking him and went back to looking around. My place was surprisingly not messy; I felt suspicious nonetheless.

What did he find that was so weird?

I started looking around in search for something out of place.

"These?" I picked up a couple of little porcelain dolls I had by the TV. They were old... and kind of creepy looking, but they were a gift from my mom, I couldn't throw them out!

"Was it my encyclopedia collection? Why do I even have this?"

I ran to my closet to check in there.

"Mr. Truffles?" I took an old brown bear out of the back of my closet and hugged it tightly, "did he see you? He can't judge you. You're my best friend!" It was my childhood teddy bear. I couldn't go anywhere without it as a child and didn't have the guts to throw him out.

I heard my front door open and I ran to it.

"Wow, someone's eager to see me," Hyuck wiggled his eyebrows, taking off his shoes at the entrance.

"What did you do in here?" I narrowed my eyes, "what did you find?"

He laughed, walking towards me, "what are you so worked up for?" His hands quickly found my waist and pulled my body close to his, placing a chaste kiss on my lips. I blushed, not expecting the caring gesture.

Damn it Hyuck. Why do you keep acting like this?

How could he just kiss me as if it was the most normal thing in the world?

Suddenly my friend's words came rushing back to me, "how about you, Nari? Are you dating anyone?"

No, stop it. I need to stop thinking so hard. So what if this isn't serious? I don't need to label every relationship I have. So what if this is all I get? I'm happy with the way things are.


I pouted as he pulled away, "how am I gonna wash my clothes now?" He chuckled, "coin laundry is a thing you know."

I needed to stop overthinking things.

I frowned, "what was the weird stuff you said you found?"

He kept laughing. I could tell he didn't really care about the whole exchange. "Nothing. Just a ridiculous amount of new toothbrushes."

That was it? That's what was so weird?

"They were on sale..."

"Sure they were," he backed away and headed towards the kitchen. I followed suit, noticing his mocking expression.

"They really were! I'm not a weird person." I crossed my arms and pouted like a child. He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked towards the couch. At this point I was following him like an idiot.

Internal Noise | HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now