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Internal Noise
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Hyuck and I recorded our version of the events, explaining what had happened, and trying to fix the situation.

I thought the video had come out quite nicely, and sincerely hoped that people would leave us alone after it. I didn't know Boyoung all that well, but based on what Taeyong had told me when they were together, she was a good person. No matter how much I disliked her, I tried hard to believe she was just heartbroken and mistaken.

After dealing with that, and keeping my fingers crossed, I thought it was time to talk to Taeyong.

I thought it would be best if I explained everything to him myself, knowing there was no easy way to say that the guy his ex had left him for was currently my boyfriend...

His freakout was almost comical at first. His eyes ridiculously widened at my words, but after some time passed, and it sinked in, I almost regretted telling him.

"This is a joke," he pushed his hair back with both hands, turning around, exhaling loudly before facing me again, "are you fucking serious?! Am I not your friend? How can you act so calmly??"

His tone was aggressive. It sent shivers down my spine and, for a second, I felt scared. I had never felt like that around Taeyong. I had never seen him so mad. He had never yelled at me like this and I didn't know what to say.

It was true. Just a few days ago I was ready to beat whoever that cheater was to death, but now... everything was different.

"You're not gonna say anything? Nari. That's the guy that stole my girlfriend. Wha- you don't care?"

"I care! But Tae- why are you acting as if it was all his fault?"

"Because it is!"

"She was the one that had a boyfriend! She's the one that cheated, not him! He had no idea!"

"And you believe him?!"


His rage only got worse, grabbing my arms and shaking them. His grip wasn't too tight, almost as if he knew he could hurt me but didn't want to. "Nari! This is the guy you were crying over just a few weeks ago!"

"I never cri-"

"He's using you, just like he did Boyoung! Can't you see that?!"

My eyes watered. I refused to believe his words.

He knows nothing. He's just hurt.

"How can you even date a guy like that?! I knew since day one there was something off about him."

"Tae-" I tried to speak again but he kept rambling; spewing enraged words as his tone grew louder and louder.

"He seduced Boyoung and is doing the same to you! Fuck! Is that who you wanna be? Some random guy's easy fuck? How can you defend him right now?! I told you, you could do better, but yo-"

"Stop!" I screamed. I couldn't take his hateful words anymore. I told myself he was just mad, but no matter how many excuses I used, it still hurt to hear him say all that. To belittle me so bluntly and straight to my face. "Why do you keep going on about that? Can't you see the real problem here? Can't you see she's just doing this for attention?"

Internal Noise | HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now