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Internal Noise
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"Christmas bells are ringing. Christmas bells are ringing. On TV. At SAKS~"

"Will you ever stop singing that? Christmas passed already."

Hyuck hadn't stopped singing that same song all day long. It was New Year's Eve and we were about to leave for a little concert he and his bandmates were doing when he started, for the millionth time, to sing it.

"I can't. It's so catchy!" He said while laughing, clearly enjoying my annoyance.

"C'mon, you'll be late for your own concert," I said grabbing his arm and leading him downstairs.

"My own concert," he smiled, "I like the sound of that."

I chuckled. He was so cute, with his high hopes and dreams, which honestly wouldn't be so hard to achieve. Not for him at least. He oozed talent through every pore.

We took a cab and in no time we arrived at the venue.

They were supposed to open for some other, better-known, local band. Nothing too fancy, but still, they were gaining popularity to have a gig like this!

In the time I knew Hyuck, I had grown quite fond of live music and concerts. His band didn't have many high-paying jobs, but they did what they could. They were all very hard working and we grew close in no time.

After the concert ended, we headed to a nearby diner for a bite. The guys came along too, Jaemin bringing his "friend" along with him. It was my first time meeting her and was afraid things would get awkward, but ultimately, I was glad I wasn't the only girl anymore.

"You said your name is Sanghee, right?" I asked her from across the table.

She nodded, "Park Sanghee."

"Ah~ one of my students- well, he used to be my student, has a sister with the same name as you," I tried to spark conversation with her. She had been pretty quiet the whole time.

"Oh really? That's cool, I'm always told I have a weird name, I didn't think many people shared it," she played with her hair. She seemed shy.

"I think your name is really pretty," Jaemin said, surprising us all and earning a series of "oohs" from the other guys.

To be expected. He's such a flirt!

Sanghee blushed immediately. I chuckled and went back to eating.

"How's the channel?" Renjun asked Hyuck.

He gave him a small smile, "it's... there. The whole thing with that girl really blew a whole through my subscribers..."

"Try something new," Jeno said.

"Yeah, just playing games is boring!" Jaemin said, taking a sip of his beer.

"Uhu, what do I do then, genius?" Hyuck leaned back on his chair.

His eyebrows furrowed as if in deep thought before speaking again, "I mean... there's a different type of video you can make," he wiggled his brows and looked over at me, slightly smirking.

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