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Internal Noise
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"Put your hands down. This is a quiz, no questions allowed guys!"

I must have told them that a million times. The first month of school had passed and it was time to check if the students were retaining any information I had taught them. I didn't expect much from the majority, but there were a couple kids that were really smart and I had my hopes on.

Is English really so hard to learn?

The bell rang, "time's up guys. Pass your test papers to the front."

Finally it was lunch time! I made my way to the teachers' lounge and took out my sandwich.

I really need to learn how to make better food... I thought as I bit into the odd tasting bread. Was it expired or something? How can I possibly be bad at something that doesn't even involve actual cooking?!

"Hello Nari!" I felt someone pull out the chair next to mine.

"Oh, hey Taeyong," I smiled.

"What are you eating today?"

"Same as always," I lifted the little sandwich with a fake smile.

He laughed, knowing that I couldn't cook, "why do you do this to yourself? Just buy lunch like a regular person!"

"I know... you're right. I'll start doing that."

"Hi Mr. Lee!" We heard a high pitched voice call from the door frame, Serim.

He turned to her and nodded a "hello" with an awkward smile.

Taeyong was the school's music teacher. He was very popular with the students and the faculty. Serim was one of his many fans. He didn't pay much attention to that though, as he had a girlfriend. I can only imagine how annoyed she would be if she saw how cheesy people were with him here. I'm honestly surprised he didn't mind it.

"So," he started, "about the drama club. Why don't we work together and stage a musical?"

My eyes lit up. If there was one thing I really enjoyed about my job, it was running that club, "I love that! The kids'll have so much fun!"

"Great! So, how about you pick a musical and I'll start getting some things ready?"

"Okay! Oh! I could have the kids make the posters and put them around some of the classrooms."

"Yeah, give me some and I'll put them in the choir room," he said.

"Sounds great!"

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I got home around six o'clock. I had to stay behind to help some kids with test questions. It had been a pretty tiring day.

Thursdays are awful days. Friday's around the corner, but not there yet, and it's been too long since the week started. Did that make sense? I don't know. Anyway, I opened my apartment door and slumped on the couch, exhausted.

A knock on my front door startled me out of my comfy position. A groan escaped my mouth, "who is it?"

"Your only friend."

Ugh, this annoying brat.

Haechan loved saying I had no friends. I acted like it didn't bother me, but I was a little hurt. Especially since all my friends were better off than me. With their dream jobs, dream houses, dating... and I was all the contrary.

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