t w e n t y

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Internal Noise
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It was finally Sunday, which meant I didn't have to wake up early, and could just stay in bed. My warm, cozy bed. Wrapped around Hyuck's arms like this-


I swung my hands to my back and felt the empty spot next to me.


I sat up, scrunching my eyes from the light in the room. I looked around and saw Hyuck's shirt laying on my bedside table. I decided to wear it, and got up from the bed.

"Mhm~ smells good!" I said as I entered the kitchen, "good morning," I sleepily hugged his back.

"Morning," he smiled.

"Watcha making?" I tiptoed behind him, placing my chin on his shoulder to get a better view of the food he was making.

"Bacon," he broke a piece and fed it to me.

"Mmm! You can cook! I'm surprised," I let go of him and sat up on an empty counter next to the already-done food. I let my bare legs dangle as I took a bite of a pancake.

"Hey! It's not ready yet!"

"What? It's food. It's meant to be eaten!" I replied sassily, taking another bite.

He turned off the pan with the bacon, and placed it in a plate, finally giving me his undivided attention. He placed a hand on each side of me and leaned in for a kiss.

"Nice shirt."

I shrugged, "figured someone should wear it, since you like to go 'el nude-o' all the time."

"Cute," he smirked, "what's under here?" He started to lift the hem of the shirt, but I quickly pinned it down with my hand.

"Oh my god, are you a sex addict? Please, give me a break," I said seriously and he backed away laughing slightly.

"You came out in nothing but my T-shirt, what did you expect me to do?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes, grabbing the two plates and taking them to the table.

"Honestly, Hyuck," I sat down and started to eat. He followed along. "I really like this and all, but it's been almost a week. I need a break or I'm going to lose all feeling from my waist down. And you, need to go home. Unless you wanna start paying my rent."

He laughed at that. "Ah... okay, fine. It's not like you have much else going on, though."

My expression became stern, "I have stuff going on! I have work I need to do. Don't you?"

He shook his head.

"Don't you have class or something? Didn't you say you were still in college? I've never seen you go."

"You do realize you work at a school right? You don't see me for the majority of the day."

"Oh. Right..." I mentally facepalmed.

"Well don't you have a job or something besides that?"

He hummed, "I make videos."

My jaw dropped, "oh no... don't tell me you're a vlogger," I could barely maintain a straight face.

"I have a gaming channel," he proudly said, "and I have 1.2 million subscribers."

"Wow, impressive. A million people watch you play games. That's such a real job," I nonchalantly said.

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