t h i r t e e n

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A/N: there's a bit of spice towards the end :))

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Thank you all for 1k reads :))))))) <3

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Internal Noise
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After bidding Taeyong goodbye I went back to the apartment.

I got off the elevator.

Ah~ finally home!

I was turning towards my door when I saw Haechan standing against it.

"Hello, neighbor," I said nonchalantly, "why are you blocking my door?"

"Why are you home so late?"

I checked my watch, "it's only nine," I scooted him aside, unlocking my door. Of course, he followed me inside.

"Oh, so nine is early now? A few weeks ago you were all like 'it's nine! It's so late! I need to sleep!'" I ignored his comment, but he continued, "what were you doing?" His tone was stern, almost demanding.

"Teacher stuff," I walked to the kitchen, placing down a bag of leftover chicken I brought.

"Oh really?" He asked and I hummed in response. "I think you were on a date."

I laughed, "I haven't been on a date in forever."

"Then who was that guy?" He asked. I looked at him confused for a second before realizing he meant Taeyong. He must have seen us eating at the chicken place.

"Taeyong is my coworker. We're working on a musical together. Why am I giving you explanations?"

He was now standing in the kitchen with me. Following my every move as I tidied up the mess I had created that morning.

"Coworker huh? So you're touchy with all your coworkers and go on little dinners with them alone?"

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, "I what? What are you talking about?" I sipped my water, not paying much attention to Haechan's babbling, knowing he was just acting jealous.

Wait. He's jealous?

"You know what I'm talking about," he crossed his arms on his chest, leaning against the counter opposite of me, "you were all over him!"

"Are you jealous?" I asked, almost laughing at how stupid that sounded. The moment it came out of my mouth, it seemed like I was reading too much into it.

He kept his arms crossed the whole time, not answering for a few seconds.

"What if I am?"

My eyes grew at his response. No way! This was my chance to tease him back, the same way he had done all those days about that stupid kiss.

"Aww is Haechanie jealous?" I pouted, "you must really like me," I got closer, stopping just a few inches from him. My heart was racing, but this was a perfect chance to get back at him and I couldn't let that pass.

"Yeah, I do," he uncrossed his arms, using his left to pull my body against his, "so stop going around with 'coworkers' and pay more attention to me."

The whole exchange had completely backfired. I expected him to push me off and leave, not to do this...

I could feel his breath on my cheek. A shiver going down my spine. Being this close to him reminded me of that night at the club. The difference was, there were no drinks involved this time.

"W-what?" Was the only thing I could say, taken aback by his actions.

A million pictures of the blurred memories of that night flew back in my head. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I thinking of that right now?!

"What? You don't like me?"

"I do."

Wait what??! What am I saying right now?!

I had no idea why those words poured out of my mouth so easily, but I couldn't deny it anymore. All the feelings I worked hard to suppress fluttered to the surface as if never been held back at all. Saying it out loud made me realize what I was feeling.

I liked him.

I liked him more than I wanted.

More than I thought I should.

We looked into each other's eyes, not saying anything. His cheeks painted a light shade of pink. Mine probably looked the same.

The look in his eyes slowly began to change, from surprised and shy, to something darker. I felt his grip on my back tighten and in a split second he launched forward, clashing his lips onto mine.

It was a hungry kiss, filled with his dominance and annoyance at me for not having said anything before. It was like he finally had the green light to do what he wanted. What he was waiting for.

As our tongues danced together, I searched for the taste of alcohol I remembered, but it wasn't there. Was that a good thing? Was this right? I didn't know, but I didn't have time to think about that while his hands caressed my body, awakening a need to be touched by him I never knew I had.

He spun us around, not breaking the kiss, grabbing my thighs and lifting me to sit up on the counter. Our kiss only got messier, bringing my hands to his neck and the back of his head, tugging at his hair.

He grabbed my hips, pulling me forward to the edge of the counter, crashing our bodies together again, making me grind against him, throwing all caution to the wind.

He slipped a hand under my shirt, quickly lifting, and peeling it off my body, leaving me in only my bra. "Holy shit," he whispered out of breath, looking over my features. It was as if time slowed down. The impatience of the moment stopped for him to slowly glide his hands up my sides and to my chest. He stayed still, not saying anything.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He snapped back to reality, a look of adoration in his eye as he smirked at me, "nothing." He kissed me again, but I pushed him back and got down from the counter, walking away.

He looked shocked and confused. I turned around, a wave of innate confidence taking over me, "you coming?"

He stayed quiet, not fully processing what I had just said.

"I cleaned those counters yesterday, why would I get them dirty when I have a whole bed?" I asked cockily, seeing his same smirk appear.

He ran towards me, kissing me again, this time with animalistic force. I pulled his shirt up and let it fall on the floor as we blindly made our way to my bedroom.

 I pulled his shirt up and let it fall on the floor as we blindly made our way to my bedroom

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