t w e n t y f i f e

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A/N: thank you all for over 3k reads! Love you!

━━━━ ☔︎ ━━━━
Internal Noise
━━ ☔︎ ━━

"Wait, wait, wait," Hyuck paced around the kitchen, "you want us to go on a double date with Mark? Why?"

"I already told you! My friend Kami and Mark used to go out and they're both sad and alone now, plus I can tell they still have a thing for each other!"

He shook his head, "we haven't even gone on a proper date alone, and you wanna go take Mark with us? No. I don't want to."

"What's so wrong with that?"


"Why are you yelling?!"

"Why are you yelling?!"

"I don't know!"

"Then stop!"

"You stop!"

"I just don't want us to share our first date with Mark," he crossed his arms turning away from me.

"We don't have to count it as a date. Just think of it as a favor..." I made my way around the kitchen island, stopping right in front of him, pouting to my full extent. He looked away. "Hyuuuck," I whined, "pleaseee?"

No reaction.

"Lee Donghyuck!"

He finally looked at me, wide-eyed.

There was a hint of a smile on his face. I knew I was getting close to breaking him. I smirked to myself before putting on my best sweet smile, "baby please," I wrapped my arms on his shoulders, stepping on my tippy toes to peck his lips.

"I see what you're doing."

"I'm not doing anything," I batted my eyes, "Donghyuckie." I kissed him again, this time for a bit longer. I let my hands fall from his shoulders, one resting on his neck to pull him closer, the other played with the hem of his shirt. My lips left his and landed on his neck, immediately finding his sweet spot.

"Mmh... that's not gonna work on me, Nari."

"What's not gonna work?" I whispered innocently against his neck. My fingers let go of his shirt as I slipped a hand into his sweatpants, earning a hiss from him.

He grabbed my wrist, but didn't stop me from moving it. He gripped my hip tightly with his free hand.

I leaned up to kiss him one more time and his whole demeanor had changed. Kissing me back passionately.

— ☔︎ —

"So... I didn't know you guys were dating," Mark said awkwardly.

"Yeah, we just started going out actually," I looked over at Hyuck who didn't seem happy to be there at all and grabbed his hand, forcing him to smile.

"Yeah, it's pretty new," he smiled brightly, acting as if he wasn't hating the idea of being there just a few days ago.

He was so sure I couldn't convince him.

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