t w e n t y e i g h t

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A/N: 4k reads!!! I feel so happy! This book is growing so fast, I never expected it o.o thank you thank you thank you so much!!!

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Internal Noise
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"Please tell me I'm wrong," I pleaded.

"Nari, listen to me," he stood up, quickly grabbing my hands as he spoke.

"Oh my god..." I was starting to heat up. I couldn't believe what I had just heard.

"It was before I met you! It's been over for a long time, I swear! I-I didn't know she had a boyfriend. She never told me!"

"How long did it last?"

"A couple months..." he lowered his voice.

"Months?!" I raised mine.

"It was just hooking up! It didn't mean anything!"

"It meant enough for her to do this! She has your photo as her lock-screen, for god's sake!" I remembered Taeyong telling me this.

"What?" He was taken aback by that, "listen, let's sit down. Please," he placed his hands on my shoulders, "listen to me."

I took in a deep breath and sat back down. I needed to control my emotions. No matter how much I wanted to scream, I knew that it would get me nowhere.

Bad news kept piling up and I didn't know how to react anymore.

"We met at VidCon," he started, now having calmed down a bit too, "she never told me she had a boyfriend. We agreed to keep it casual. No strings attached. It was fun at first, but I grew tired of her quickly. We barely met up anymore and she was starting to get on my nerves with her neediness..."

His leg started to bounce, he was getting agitated again, "then I met you, so I ended it—whatever there was left to end. I didn't have any feelings for her and I was sure she didn't either. Then, a while back she started calling again, telling me she needed me and whole bunch of other stupid shit. I didn't pay attention to it- I didn't think it would come to this- I didn't know she'd do this," his eyes finally fixed on me, "and calling you out like that... knowing that people would figure out who she was talking about..." his fists balled, I could sense the anger rushing through him at that moment, so I placed my hands on his in an attempt to slow down his rambling.

In an instant his expression changed, his eyes becoming softer as they locked with mine, "I'm not mad at you," I softly said, trying my hardest to be the bigger person and not let my feelings erupt, "it's not your fault. She knew what she was doing," I sighed, "just... give me a second to process this..."

He kept his head down. I was mad. Furious at her for doing this, but I decided it would be best if I controlled my anger. Yelling wouldn't change anything.

What she did was a low move. To get the internet involved in her personal affairs and messing with so many people's lives... it was just wrong. What did she expect to accomplish?

I couldn't be mad at Hyuck though... he didn't force her to do anything she didn't want to... she's the one that cheated. She's knew what she was doing to Taeyong-

Fuck! How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Taeyong?!

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen," he looked down, regret was evident in his tone.

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