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Internal Noise
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I was woken up at four in the morning.

You've gotta be kidding me! Is this gonna be an every weekend thing? Damn it!

My luck was so bad that my bed rested against the wall of what had to be Haechan's room. Which meant, that any banging on that wall would be always waking me up.

I closed my eyes and hoped for it to stop. I hoped I didn't need to go knocking on that door again, but if that was the case, I very well knew I needed to put a jacket on.

That perv.

Thankfully, it seemed to quiet down after a few minutes. My guess was he had just gotten back from his "not boring night" and was drunk enough to ram himself against the wall.

‎— ☔︎ —

The next morning I decided to go for a jog. A great idea right? Wrong. It started to rain halfway through the jog. I had no choice but to run back under the rain.

I could've waited for it to stop, but judging from how it had been every time before that, it could've taken hours, and I didn't have anything with me besides an ID.

I got to my building soaked in nasty, warm, summer rain. The humidity made my poor hair get all frisky and my clothes enlarged and wrinkly.

I made my way up the elevator and to my apartment when I heard my name being called. I froze, shutting my eyes. Damn it if it's Haechan again! I turned around ready to throw some shade about how "great" his night must've been, but I was met with a different face.


"It is you! I knew I could always recognize you," he smiled, "do you live here?"

"Yeah," I said pointing at my door, "wow it's been years. How are you?"

"Good, good. How about you?"

"I'm okay. Drenched, but I'm fine." We laughed at fact that I was obviously caught in the storm outside and I invited him in.

Mark and I went to the same high school. He was a freshman when I was a senior. We had a couple classes together, all electives of course. At some point he started to date one of my friends, Kami, and we all hung out together. After I left for college, I tried to keep in touch with everyone, but eventually we grew distant.

He sat in my living room as I quickly rinsed off the rain water and changed into some dry clothes.

"Want anything to drink?" I came out from my room.

"Water is fine."

I sat next to him on the couch as he sipped on the water I brought him, "so, what's up? I can't believe you're here! Why are you here?"

"I go to uni here, it's my last year," he said.

"No way. I've been here for three years, I can't believe we had never run into each other before."

"Me neither," he smiled, "how's everyone? How's Kami?"

"I'm not sure... I actually haven't talked to Kami in like a year now..." I looked down, kind of ashamed that I hadn't spoken to one of the people I used to call my "best friends".

"Really? I heard she was getting married."


"Yeah, to some rich dude."

I guess Kami didn't remember me much either at this point.

"No way! Kami? That's wild." We laughed as we caught up on our lives and our whereabouts.

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